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Very upset with my friend

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Oh y'all, I'm so upset right now. I have to have a "conversation" with my very dear friend. Very dear. I'm so angry with her right now.


Last year our children along with those of several other families in the neighborhood all had lice. It was a long unpleasant process getting rid of them.


Well it seems her children have had them again for ....some time? And I'm just now hearing about it. Her children come into my house and mine into hers at will. During the summer particularly, it's like revolving doors. The one daughter who has the worst problem with the lice because of her incredibly gorgeous, but thick thick thick hair, can't keep her hands off my 3 year old, hugging her at every chance.


Apparently they've been treating the kids every week because they can't get teh problem under control, and last night, WHILE MY KIDS WERE THERE WATCHING A MOVIE, she was giving her kids a treatment and found more lice. But she didn't send the kids home, just let them finish the movie and then sent an email out this morning telling us about the lice.


Thanks for letting me blow off steam. ARGH!

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A friend of mine has a horrible problem with nits. 3 out of 4 of her kids are in school part time and their class mates seem to have permanent nits. She says its like the other parents have given up bothering to treat them. She just keeps her kids in constant treatment mode to keep on top of it and it works as they have managed not to pass it on, but hard work for her. Some parents are so relaxed about it, its infuriating.


She found the nitty gritty comb works best.

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Just to be clear, we seem to be lucky and have not gotten it this time. I'm pretty good at spotting it after last year's debacle. I'm going to comb them all out once with a nit comb in case they've just picked anything up, and then check them every few days for a couple of weeks.


Thanks for the listening ear - it helped to get it off my chest - now when I talk to her maybe I won't completely blow my gasket.

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I hear similar stories here - families who got infected so many times that they're now blase about it & don't think much of it. Kind of like a small cold. What's the big deal?


And I think *some* families just can't get it together enough to eradicate them - too busy, can't follow instructions, don't do the regimen long enough. They're resistant to many pesticide chemical treatments and the other 'mechanical' treatments take time & commitment - which some families can't or won't provide.


I think that lice, bed bugs, human fleas are all making a big comeback.



How frustrating for you to deal with this. Will you say no to ongoing play days & visiting until her kids are lice free?

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Oh y'all, I'm so upset right now. I have to have a "conversation" with my very dear friend. Very dear. I'm so angry with her right now.


Last year our children along with those of several other families in the neighborhood all had lice. It was a long unpleasant process getting rid of them.


Well it seems her children have had them again for ....some time? And I'm just now hearing about it. Her children come into my house and mine into hers at will. During the summer particularly, it's like revolving doors. The one daughter who has the worst problem with the lice because of her incredibly gorgeous, but thick thick thick hair, can't keep her hands off my 3 year old, hugging her at every chance.


Apparently they've been treating the kids every week because they can't get teh problem under control, and last night, WHILE MY KIDS WERE THERE WATCHING A MOVIE, she was giving her kids a treatment and found more lice. But she didn't send the kids home, just let them finish the movie and then sent an email out this morning telling us about the lice.


Thanks for letting me blow off steam. ARGH!


Wow! It is hard to imagine anyone being so completely and utterly thoughtless. I would be very upset too. Is she just plain ignorant of how contagious lice are? It is beyond the scope of my thinking to get how someone who knows about lice and their ways would be so outrageously unkind as to not mention it to you and allow her kids to be near yours until she's gotten rid of them. I'm not the type to get easily upset, but this would have me in knots and fits.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I think that lice, bed bugs, human fleas are all making a big comeback.



How frustrating for you to deal with this. Will you say no to ongoing play days & visiting until her kids are lice free?


There will be no indoor play with these kids until they are clear of lice for several weeks. Which sucks because our kids are best friends and it's blazing hot outside. And our families do Bible study together, often eat dinner together, yada yada yada. Which of course makes me even more upset with her - it's not like we're casual acquaintances. We're pretty much family.


I think that you are right about the comeback. My BIL is the fire chief in a city in New Jersey, and his paramedics are finding bedbugs to be a big issue on some of their calls. It's really awful for them.

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Oh y'all, I'm so upset right now. I have to have a "conversation" with my very dear friend. Very dear. I'm so angry with her right now.


Last year our children along with those of several other families in the neighborhood all had lice. It was a long unpleasant process getting rid of them.


Well it seems her children have had them again for ....some time? And I'm just now hearing about it. Her children come into my house and mine into hers at will. During the summer particularly, it's like revolving doors. The one daughter who has the worst problem with the lice because of her incredibly gorgeous, but thick thick thick hair, can't keep her hands off my 3 year old, hugging her at every chance.


Apparently they've been treating the kids every week because they can't get teh problem under control, and last night, WHILE MY KIDS WERE THERE WATCHING A MOVIE, she was giving her kids a treatment and found more lice. But she didn't send the kids home, just let them finish the movie and then sent an email out this morning telling us about the lice.


Thanks for letting me blow off steam. ARGH!


I'd be mad, too, if I were you but since I'm not :) here are some ways to think about it that don't seem so maddening.

As far as having the lice and not telling you, perhaps she thought that since they were treating that it was okay? Perhaps with regard to last night, she figured the damage was already done and they'd been exposed. She did tell you.

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