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Trying to fill out a classical conversations application...


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If I am planning on using the following curriculum: sonlight, CLE language arts (maybe), singapore math, and miquon math, what is my educational philosophy? Can I call myself classical/charlotte mason? It's only kindergarten! Am I supposed to have all this figured out?


Does hanging out on this message board give me any credence as a classical homeschooler? ;)

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Who cares?


I don't understand how it is their business. Will this info change anything? Are they going to "deny" you the chance to pay and participate in their program if you don't use a curriculum the people involved like? I think you should be fine listing that stuff, or nothing (with a short note about how you don't see how it's relevant).


Sorry to be harsh, but I find it intrusive. I think they might be trying to weed out people who are unschooly.


I hope they are just trying to understand where people are coming from, but I don't see how it can even effect the CC model.


And no, even when you have been HSing a long time, you might not have found your educational philosophy. Or you may have had it change over time.You can say whatever you want.

Edited by radiobrain
didn't really read the OP too closely.
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I put that we were more classical in philosophy but since we were just beginning our homeschool journey it might change. I don't see how it could change too much though. Grace may like unschooling but she still has to work within the confines of what I am comfortable with, and that includes a teacher's manual, LOL.


I don't think the answers you put on the application are going to make or break whether you get in... I think it's more of an informational thing for the instructors.

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I'd say it is nothing to worry over. I'm not CC management but I have tutored for CC-Foundations a few times. As a tutor I don't remember seeing this information on the kids I taught. As a tutor all I saw was the sheet on the kids, where you put their strengths, weaknesses, interests, etc. These things help a tutor to gear the lessons in a way that might interest their specific class (or at least that's how I used them).


When I filled out my applications, I took the Ed Ph question as an opportunity for myself to sketch my ideas. I'm not sure why they ask, perhaps to catch potential conflicts with the program? Although I'm not sure what that would look like.

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It sounds like you could easily put any of the following: classical/CM/Lit-based/eclectic.


Beyond the CC application, maybe you would enjoy reading about different approaches to see which one resonates with you. If I remember right the Clarkson's book Educating the Whole-Hearted Child has a brief description of several different philosophies which was helpful to me several years ago. They are CM, so you will see their preference within the descriptions they wrote. There are probably other books/articles/blogs that would similarly summarize and describe different philosophies. You don't have to know yet where you will end up, but it's fun to think about!

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Sorry to be harsh, but I find it intrusive. I think they might be trying to weed out people who are unschooly.


I hope they are just trying to understand where people are coming from, but I don't see how it can even effect the CC model.


It has no bearing on whether you join CC or not. As a pp said, it is for informational purposes, for the Director only. If you understand where people are coming from, you can better meet their needs.


OP, you can just leave it blank. Your bet bet if you want to fill it in is to put, "Sonlight."

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