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The importance of clear writing

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Last week we received a letter announcing that our dentist is leaving the group he's been with for the past five years. This was the opening sentence of that letter:

It is with great emotion that we announce that Dr. **** **** has made plans to leave **** **** at the end of July for personal reasons and to pursue other interests.


My only question: what emotion? Sadness? Glee? Horror? Elation? Sorrow? Confusion?



I can't believe no one in the office caught that. I've talked to a couple of other moms and they also picked up on the vague wording right away.

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It could be that everyone in the office feels differently about the doctor leaving.


Instead of "Some of us are quite gleeful while some of us feel saddened, and there are a few of us who are elated to announce that Dr. **** **** has made plans to leave **** **** at the end of July for personal reasons and to pursue other interests," they used the general emotions to indicate that there is a great variety of feelings involved in the announcement.







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I agree that they may have been purposefully vague! I know I've written similar things a few times when I don't want to lie outright, but I sure don't want it to be too obvious exactly how I feel!


:iagree:. I read that as "we are happy to see him go, but don't want to come right out and say so".

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