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Child's Bible: DK vs. Vos

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I am looking to get a new Bible for my DD to include in our studies. She has outgrown the current version we are using.


I was originally going to purchase DK's The Children's Illustrated Bible, but am now considering Vos' The Child's Story Bible or Egermeier's Story Bible to tie in with our CC history and SOTW and Kingfisher.


Any thoughts between these two or perhaps another suggestion?

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We use the Golden Children's Bible and DK's Illustrated Family Bible. We like the Golden Children's Bible because it was the Bible both dh and I had as children. We love the illustrations, and it is easily understandable by my ds while not being too lightweight. We all enjoy the DK Bible because of the extra info, maps, pictures, explanations, etc. It also has chapter and verse numbers. We really love having two different types of Bible. Ds is also getting to the stage where he will use our regular Bible on his own, so having the chapter and verse numbers from DK is helpful for him. Looking at the links you provided, if it were me I would choose the first two.:001_smile: If I were only buying one, I would choose the one by Vos.

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I HIGHLY recommend Ergermeier's. We have read through it once, and are about half way through it again. My kids love it. I bought Vos, but didn't really like it. I've heard lots of good things about it, but the way she words it...there is just something I don't like about it. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I thought she took to many liberties with the Bible...I'm just not sure. Can't go wrong with Ergermeier's...it is wonderful. :)

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I didn't care for the DK bible, except for all the side bar information about the climate, flora and fauna of the region. But, for Bible stories, I felt it was too light.


Funny, I've not read the Egermeier two times, and love it. But, I've got one more time to read through a story Bible, and *I* need something new, or I might go crazy, KNWM? I've been toying with getting either the Vos or the Golden Bible for a change of pace.

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For our ds-5, we recently began the Vos story Bible. We love it! Vos includes all the extra explanations that I was trying to add to lighter story Bibles we had before. I found myself inserting the same comments in the Vos child's Bible - just to read the same thought in the next sentence!

I've learned my lesson and now just read the story to him. It has turned out to be just the level of depth I was looking for.

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I HIGHLY recommend Ergermeier's. We have read through it once, and are about half way through it again. My kids love it. I bought Vos, but didn't really like it. I've heard lots of good things about it, but the way she words it...there is just something I don't like about it. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I thought she took to many liberties with the Bible...I'm just not sure. Can't go wrong with Ergermeier's...it is wonderful. :)


:iagree: Another vote for Ergermeier's!

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