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The raw milk thread made me wonder...

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Does organic milk taste different than non-organic? I tried to switch over to organic milk but didn't like the taste. Is this because I had bought the organic in cardboard when I usually buy in a jug, or does the organic taste that different?


I tried keeping DD on organic and me on regular, but with just the two of us, that much milk goes bad before we can drink it all!

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A lot of organic milk (Horizon, Organic Valley) is UHT. If you can find 'regular' pasteurized organic milk, it will taste more similar to non-organic milk.


Thank you. It was Horizon that I bought... I'll keep my eyes open for another brand.


What's UHT? Will it say it on the outside of the jug/box, or do I need to research the different brands first?

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It's "ultra-pasteurized." Basically, it's heated up to an even higher temperature, thereby making those long-into-the-future sell by dates possible. UHT is also what's used to make shelf-stable milk. It *will* say it somewhere on the jug, but it's not going to be in big type.


Around here, I can get non-UHT organic milk at Trader Joe's or one of the local/regional dairies that sells their milk to Whole Foods. Usually we get raw milk, but if I miss the weekly delivery, those are my fall-backs. :)

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UHT milk definitely tastes different to even pasteurised.

I find my raw milk doesnt taste particularly different from the pasturised my dh drinks, but it does taste better.

I found that raw goats milk doesnt have that "goaty" taste either so I am into that at the moment.

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UHT milk definitely tastes different to even pasteurised.

I find my raw milk doesnt taste particularly different from the pasturised my dh drinks, but it does taste better.

I found that raw goats milk doesnt have that "goaty" taste either so I am into that at the moment.

That all depends on how healthy the goat is, and what it has been eating.

I know someone who gives her goats Iodine injections to improve the health of both the goat and the milk.

My organic, raw cow's milk form my own cow gets a cowy taste when she eats certain grass in spring. I give her molasses in her grain while I milk her, this sweetens up the milk.:D


I have found that the taste of raw milk varies between individual animals, two cows eating the same paddock have different flavored milk.

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We use organic milk, and Horizons is the one that has a very different taste than the other brands available in the grocery stores here. I don't know if it is because it is UHT, there are other brands that are UHT that don't have the taste Horizons has. I won't buy it.


My kids won't drink Horizon, and I think it makes my coffee taste funny. You can mess with lots of things - but not my coffee :D


Try another brand it should be better.

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My organic, raw cow's milk form my own cow gets a cowy taste when she eats certain grass in spring.


Oh oh oh!!!! Pick me!


Send me your cow's spring milk. I LOVE "grassy" milk! :D


(just in case you ever want to sell some!) j/k I know you are very far away....

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Does organic milk taste different than non-organic? I tried to switch over to organic milk but didn't like the taste. Is this because I had bought the organic in cardboard when I usually buy in a jug, or does the organic taste that different?


I tried keeping DD on organic and me on regular, but with just the two of us, that much milk goes bad before we can drink it all!


There is a big difference between the taste of milk in a clear plastic jug and milk in a cardboard container. The light actually changes something chemically in the milk and does that to the flavor. If you are used to milk in the jug, then milk in the cardboard container will probably taste funny (I don't buy milk in the jug for this reason).


There is another possibility as well. Many times organic milk is ultrapasteurized (regular milk can be as well but this is not a common). The ultrapasteurized milk has a slightly different flavor.


So it is very possible that your organic milk tasted different, but not because of being organic.

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