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need nintendo ds lite game suggestions

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My daughter has been wanting a Nintendo DS for over a year and is currently saving up enough to buy a used one for her birthday next month (probably a refurbished DS Lite---she doesn't need internet capability). I was hoping I could get some suggestions for good games for her. Any suggestions on must-have accessories are also welcome.


Details: She is going to be 10, very strong reader, loves playing the "dress up" games on the PC (essentially electronic paper dolls). Her favorite animals are rabbits, cats and dogs (probably in that order, rabbits most of all and wants one, but we have cats so that's not happening). She is interested in fashion, interior design, art (producing it) and learning Spanish. She has several friends who have these game systems as well.

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There are some games that are interior design and fashion design. Also several games that involve caring for pets, Nintendogs is the most popular one, but there are also PETZ that have animals other than dogs. My Spanish coach will help with Spanish. My dd10 likes Brain Age, Mario Kart, and Nintendogs.

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My kids like Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Tinkerbell and Cooking Mama. May I suggest purchasing USED games from GameStop? Not only are the prices good, but the games are guaranteed for 30 days (will replace same game) AND you can return if you don't like the game within 7 days.

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My kids like Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Tinkerbell and Cooking Mama. May I suggest purchasing USED games from GameStop? Not only are the prices good, but the games are guaranteed for 30 days (will replace same game) AND you can return if you don't like the game within 7 days.


Excellent! We are already planning to get the DS used from GameStop. The return if you don't like it option is a great idea.


I looked at the Petz game and they have bunnyz :). I think she'll love that one. I believe she's played Nintendogs and Animal Crossing with her friends. There's a Sims Apartment Pets that also looks promising.

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My DD11 absolutely LOVES Animal Crossing. She has played it for about 2 years, and it never seems to get old. I was really impressed with the longevity. She also liked Drawn to Life.


Fashionwise, she recently got Imagine Babys Fashion and enjoys it. I just don't think those type games have some of the longevity of the others.

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I have three girls...some of their faves:


Mario Kart (anything with Mario is a good bet)

My Sims (NOT This Sims...big difference in games)

Animal Crossing

Harvest Moon

Style Savy (My oldest and youngest both LOVE this one)

Scribblenauts (all three will lay in bed for hours at night giggling over this game!)


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