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Ancients with a third grader - TOG, Sonlight, or plain and simple SOTW?

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I'd love some input with this decision.


I'm a veteran TOG user but have enrolled my oldest two in the Tapestry LLC classes for history next year. I'm feeling a little freedom to branch out for my 3rd grader.


Honestly, I'm feeling tired and am looking for something simple. Yet, I don't want to sacrifice richness for simplicity.


Any thoughts?


(I should also mention that I'll have a 6th grader too. I don't factor her into the decision as much, though, because she struggles in every subject.)


Thank you in advance.

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I love SOTW with the activity guide. We'll be doing Ancients again this year (second rotation) and my kids will be 5th, 3rd, 1st, and two littles. I like SOTW because it's easy to use--read the chapter, ask the questions from the AG, have the kids give an oral narration, and do the map activities. Sometimes we read additional library books or do a project. I've written a literature program following the WTM reading list for Ancients that we do as well. :)

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If my dd and I were not hooked on TOG, I would be following WTM and most likely using SOTW for our history curriculum. For a third grader especially, it seems like you could easily pare TOG down to just SOTW for all history yet follow the TOG literature and writing assignments. Then your 3rd grader would still have some learning in common with the other children. I don't know why it wouldn't work very smoothly that way.


What do you think?




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One more idea to throw into the mix.... What about MFW Creation to the Greeks? You could combine your 3rd and 6th graders, and it would be a lot simpler to implement than TOG, IMO. It's just more streamlined, pick-up-and-go, and less prep work than TOG; less expensive than Sonlight. http://www.mfwbooks.com/ctg.htm


MFW includes an extensive booklist in the back of the TM to provide a lot more book titles (and educational videos that go with the time period), if you have time and interest for more than what's scheduled in the weekly lesson plans. You can either use the library for these, or purchase the titles that are more interesting to you. The author has asterisked some titles that she recommends for purchase if you prefer to do it that way.


You could also add SOTW 1 to MFW if you want to use it as an additional reader. There's plenty of hands-on activities, timeline, etc. to choose from in MFW, so you wouldn't need the SOTW AG at all.

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If my dd and I were not hooked on TOG, I would be following WTM and most likely using SOTW for our history curriculum. For a third grader especially, it seems like you could easily pare TOG down to just SOTW for all history yet follow the TOG literature and writing assignments. Then your 3rd grader would still have some learning in common with the other children. I don't know why it wouldn't work very smoothly that way.


What do you think?


I've thought about this. The only down-side to doing this is that some weeks cover multiple chapter of SOTW and I'd rather not zoom through it. I think TOG 1 also covers a great time period of history than SOTW 1. In fact, SOTW II may also be used with year 1 of TOG. I need to go back and check.

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One more idea to throw into the mix.... What about MFW Creation to the Greeks? You could combine your 3rd and 6th graders, and it would be a lot simpler to implement than TOG, IMO. It's just more streamlined, pick-up-and-go, and less prep work than TOG; less expensive than Sonlight. http://www.mfwbooks.com/ctg.htm


Thanks for your reply. Honestly, I'm not sure I'm up for learning a new curriculum at this point. I know how to do SOTW, TOG, and Sonlight. Learning something new sounds tiring. :001_unsure: But I'll click over and take a look at it.

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I'd go with SOTW, also. It's just so convenient, and you can go deeper at certain points if you want to, but you don't have to! I'm talking book with AG.

:iagree:The AG is NOT written for first graders. There is plenty in there to meet your kids' needs. You can always buy some books if you don't want to use the library. I would pick out a non-fiction and a fiction for each major civilization. Here is a good place to start. Amazon will pull up similar books for you to browse around.


It is also stated in TWTM that you can use the Usborne Encyclopedia in lieu of a library trip, though everyone seems to forget that bit...

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Something simple we used in our first rotation was a combo SOTW/Mystery of History. RICH, wonderful bible with joy. I added in Knowledge quest maps (you can use your TOG) and a few lit suggestions for reading aloud (found in MOH and SOTW AG), completed some AG pages and did lapbooks, mini-books, etc.


It would be super easy, yet rich, for a 3rd grader and a 6th grader taht required a little hand holding.


There is a SOTW/MOH schedule on the MOH yahoo group ;)

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We did SL Core 1 with SOTW, not CHOW, and Core 6, which is SOTW 1&2 this last year for my 1st graders and advanced 5th grader. It sounds like you have a lot of books that would fit something like this if you have used TOG. My oldest used the SOTW mapping, just as my youngers did and then used the tests as a worksheet. You wouldn't necessarily need the SL Cores, but could see what books you have that would line up similarly from your time with TOG, there are really only a few books for Core 1 and you could pick and choose books to add for your older child. There are so many good book lists to look at we adapt SL and add additional books and DVR's show that my kids really enjoyed, especially for the ancient studies.

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I dont think a struggling 6th grader would be ready for core 6 at all and I think core 1+2 would still be suitable. CHOW is used in gr 4 by Calvert. The read alouds for core 1+2 are enchanting. Core 1 and core 2 separately wouldnt be something Id consider. Im doing core 6 now and kicking myself for not doing the 1 year program (alt 7).

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but could see what books you have that would line up similarly from your time with TOG, there are really only a few books for Core 1 and you could pick and choose books to add for your older child.


To clarify, I didn't suggest she use Core 6, or even SL for that matter. I said we used Cores 1 and 6, which are essentially SOTW. ;) Sometimes I just can't seem to get my point across well in print.

Edited by melmichigan
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