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Wow, do I hate moving!!!!!

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We moved on the first (Canada Day = Bad day to move). It took all.day.long from 9:30 am to 9:00 pm to get everything over to the new apartment. Then I stayed up until 2:00 am trying to get the basic necessities set up and put away. The next morning my dh had to get up at 5 in the morning to leave for the entire weekend. I had to sit at home all day waiting for the satellite guy to show up because he was be there between 8am and 5pm. He didn't show. The excuse of the company when I called was, there was no one home when he came. What? I stayed within 15 feet of the front door all day to ensure I wouldn't miss him. Now we won't have cable until Wednesday. Also, my phone and internet didn't transfer to the new house on the first like they were supposed to. I had to wait at home again today for the phone guy to show. He just came and had to install a new jack because the wasn't a working one in the apartment apparently. This sucks. I am unpacking all by myself assembling beds and moving boxes plus I'm 4 months pregnant and shouldn't be doing much of that stuff anyway. I just want to get into bed and sleep. Sorry for the vent, it's been a bad few days.

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This must be the weekend for moving! We packed all day and are moving on Monday. My parents are moving today, as is my aunt! I hate moving too. I wish I had magic and could make it just all appear right to where it needed to be. Good luck with the rest of it!

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Hey! We're moving too! Into a house that needs a complete overhaul at the same time...dh is grinding the uneven concrete floor and the dust is everywhere...kids fighting, me carrying heavy boxes and wondering if we'll ever be done.

I guess the silver lining is that it's summer break for us. well, for the kids anyhow! mom and dad aren't getting too much of a break right now :tongue_smilie:



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