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This doesn't have to be a miss you thread, so it might stick around. ;)






Too funny!


I saw the other thread, but don't tell anyone ;)


A side-note. Mickey Dolenz is going to be playing a free concert-in-the-park soon, and we will be in attendance.


And, I programmed a "Monkees station" on my Pandora radio, so life is good :D



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And, I programmed a "Monkees station" on my Pandora radio, so life is good :D
But have you seen "Head" yet?
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Too funny!


I saw the other thread, but don't tell anyone ;)


A side-note. Mickey Dolenz is going to be playing a free concert-in-the-park soon, and we will be in attendance.


And, I programmed a "Monkees station" on my Pandora radio, so life is good :D





Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to pop into a Bill thread. :D

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Guest rubilynne4
Too funny!


I saw the other thread, but don't tell anyone ;)


A side-note. Mickey Dolenz is going to be playing a free concert-in-the-park soon, and we will be in attendance.


And, I programmed a "Monkees station" on my Pandora radio, so life is good :D



ha ha. you don't know me bill ,but i started a whole thread about you. glad to c u are back. i like your lively debating spirit, even if i don't always agree with you! :D

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My sister and dad walked up the aisle at her wedding to "Hey Hey We're The Monkees" complete with the walk. They had been threatening to do it a communion for years. My sister and dad didn't know the song would be played at her wedding. My mom was sneaky about it. That is my Monkees memory. Probably should be on the wedding thread instead.


Glad to see someone is here to get me through Moby Dick. Since the guru was missing, I am taking a detour through Zinn.

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