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Cost of "private tennis lessons"?

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My sons, ages 10 & 12, have been taking homeschool group tennis lessons since September. The coaches were and are wonderful.


This summer my boys are participating in the coaches' tennis camp. Anyway, another mom and I asked one of the coaches about private lessons. Coach said he charges $35/hour for one child. We asked about cost of 3 children for 1 hour. Coach finally came back, 2 days later and after we asked again, and said $60/hour for three children. EXCUSE ME!? Same amount of time and less time spent on each child.:001_huh:


Now I want to be fair, but this seems a little high. Any opinions and/or experiences with any thing like this?



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hm we've never done Tennis lessons so I have no clue whatsoever what the going rate is, but it sounds like he did give a pretty good discount for subsequent children. And like the other poster said, if that breaks down to $20.00 an hour per child, that doesn't seem so bad. Especially since it's supposed to be $35.00 an hour if it were just one child.

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As an ex-tennis pro I can share that the cost is reasonable. If the lessons are given at a club where the pro is required to pay court fees than some of that money will be gone before he steps onto the court. Tennis balls are not cheap, even with a bulk discount from the manufacturer. Most pros have hoppers with a minimum of 100 balls (most have more) and that runs into some cash. Plus you are paying for expertise and juggling more than one student who wants to improve their game and take it to the next level requires some skill. Group lessons where kids are just wanting to get out and learn how to hit a forehand or a backhand and learn the fundamentals are very different from lessons where you are working on technique and competitive play.


I used to charge $30 an hour for indoor lessons. After paying the $15 per hour court fee (which was reduced for me) I received $15 per lesson. If I could piggy back another lesson on top of that I would, so I could increase my profit margin. The same courts where I used to teach 5 years ago now charge $28 per court hour. If I had only one student and continued to charge my $30 hour rate I would make $2 for the first student. You can bet your bottom dollar I would be looking for someone to join that student.


This coach is willing to give three students a lesson for $60? I think that is reasonable. Are you looking at it thinking you went from 60 mins to 20 mins each? Because that's not how it will be. The boys should still get plenty of individual instruction. Running drills with three is easier than with one. One boy might be able to run a drill, use all of the balls and then spend 5-6 minutes picking up the balls and getting ready for the next drill. With three boys the rotation will move just as fast but the boys not hitting will be picking up balls and reloading the hopper so there is less time lost between drills and more time spent hitting balls.


Before I tested for my USPTA certification I took group lessons with a buddy of mine who was a local pro. There were six of us and he would charge each of us $10 per 60 minute lesson. Again this was about 6 years ago and prices have increased due to court fees, etc.


My DD and her friend are taking lessons with this buddy this summer and we are paying $30 each for an hour (so $60 for two students). This is at outdoor public courts. If it rains and they need to go to the indoor courts the price goes up because of the court fees. But this guy is worth every penny because his students have winning records and have gone on to win State championships, collegiate athletic scholarships, etc.



Are these coaches USPTA certified? What are their qualifications? Do they have other students with strong showings in competition? What are your goals for the boys? Do you want them to become competitive players and prepare for public/private high school teams? Are they planning on playing the USTA junior tournament circuit? Do you want them to learn the skills and develop a life long hobby?

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Thanks for all the replies.:001_smile:


As for goals, one boy justs wants to play better. My younger son is saying he wants to play tennis "as a job", but he is only ten and this is subject to change (weekly).


Anyway, the two coaches are current and former high school tennis coaches. The female coach has two daughters that play and have placed in the top 10 in statewide competitions.


Today, we spoke with the female coach and she said she charges $40/hr for 3 children. This is on a public, outdoor court. Our first private lessons begins next Tuesday at 9 am. I watched her give a private lesson Tuesday after camp and really liked what I saw. I will asked about their certifications if and when my sons become somewhat serious about tennis. This is good enough for now.

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