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Is Independence Day an "Un-christian" holiday?

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I say what a party pooper. You know... if you went by what every blogger, group and other interested parties wrote about what is un-christian, well then you'd have to call almost everything un-christian.

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IMHO, you are speaking of two different kids of 'freedom'. Jesus came to set us free from sin and death. Not from earthly rulers.


My views on this topic are not in line with the majority on this board. I do not consider myself patriotic to the USA. My citizenship is in heaven. I do not agree with one person killing another for any reason. And yes, I mean any reason. Come up with whatever scenario you want, the answer is still 'No, I don't believe it's right in any situation for a person to take the life of another'. This is my understanding of the example Christ set for us. I understand that many, MANY others see it differently. (And I hope that anyone who disagrees with my views can understand that I am simply stating my opinion, not casting insults or anything on anyone who things differently.)


None of that, however, means I do not appreciate the country I live in, or that I 'take things for granted', as a pp suggested. Everything I have, every worldly freedom, every last thing I enjoy, comes to me by way of the Creator. And I strive to always be grateful for everything he gives me; hard or easy, hill or valley, night or day. :)


Right, what is right for you and your family might not be for mine. I might be convicted on a certain point and some one else not. Doesn't mean either of us is less than or more than - IMO. That was just more of my sinus congested rambling and I didn't make it very clear that this is how I see it. I don't think the 4th is by any means a Christian holiday but as a Christian I do not believe - for me and my family - that we are wrong to celebrate it. If others are led differently then that's fine for them - I certainly don't make the rules and that was sorta what I got from the article - I felt like it was a lecture on how all Christians should feel about the 4th.


And I do believe I have the right of self defense or defense of my family or my children. That is something I do believe in. I would avoid violence if I could but if my life or my family was at risk of physical harm or death then I would do what I had to do to nullify that threat. My family has a long history of military service so the 4th is an important holiday to us. That doesn't mean we treat it as more important than the Christian holidays we observe.


All this just to say - your mileage may vary. How someone feels about the 4th is the way they feel but I do not like the implication that because I feel differently I am not a Christian. And that is what I got from the article - not any of the posts here - I think everyone has been clear on that.


Sorta like a litmus test on being a feminist or fill in the blank. I never did test well. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't think supporting a national holiday is un-Christian. We celebrating independence and freedom not war. Were our forefathers right or wrong? You can make a case either way and support it Biblically. That point doesn't matter. What's done is done. It's not like we can just deed the US back to Britain. Which king would we deed back too -there was a lot of wars fought between different factions and it would be a headache to find out who is the right king established without war. We're celebrating one of the key events that ushered in a new era not the deaths involved. Passover is a religious holidy. Are the Jews celebrating the deaths of all the Egyptians that died that night so that God could make a point? No they are celebrating their freedom from the tyranny of the Pharoah and the blessings they received from God.


I am patriotic for the most part. Yes. God comes first and I am first a Christian. But that doesn't mean I can not love my country too. I love my country. Are we a perfect country? No!!!! Are there events in our history that I wish never happened? Yes!!!! Do I believe we are the only good country in the wold? No? Does loving my country/being patriotic mean that I think that all other countries in the world are a pile of poop? No!!


I also love my husband. I am devoted to my husband. God still comes first but that doesn't mean I have to quit loving my husband and not be faithful to him. Is my husband perfect? No! Are there events in our history that I wish never happened? Yes! DO I believe he is the only good husband in the world? No! Does loving my husband mean that I think everyone else's husband is a pile of poop? No!


It is fine to be devoted to one's country. There is a line between patriotism and nationalism. I love my country but I don't think either former President G. W. Bush or current President B.H. Obama are the best thing since sliced bread. I think it is fine to disagree with public policy and don't think you need to move if you don't think everything is perfect (just like I don't think every wife needs to move out because her husband has a few flaws). I am proud that we have that freedom! I don't think it is right to disagree by burning flags, spitting on soldiers, cursing, protesting at funerals, etc.


There is a line between patriotism and idoltry just as there is a line between loving your family and idoltry or anything in the world and idoltry.

Edited by AuntPol
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I say what a party pooper. You know... if you went by what every blogger, group and other interested parties wrote about what is un-christian, well then you'd have to call almost everything un-christian.


That's what happens when we listen to others to help us form our own beliefs. It can be a double edge sword (some good, and often lots bad). Lately, it seems the 4th is just another shopping holiday in the US, with some BBQ and fireworks thrown in for good measure.

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We are coffee servers at church every three months. Because of our schedule, we are doing coffee this Sunday, the 4th of July. While the sermon will not be related to our Independence, our decorations down stairs will be. We use tablecloths, doilies, etc. and we serve snacks. This Sunday, we will have a birthday cake for the USA and have some red, ****e and blue decorations. We obviously do not agree with the blog since we are Christians and a military family. As others have stated, we aren't celebrating war but rather our independence. Most countries either have a National day of some sort or celebrate their King or Queen's Birthday. I doubt that anyone at church will find it offensive since we have a congregation made up of a lot of military, federal workers, retired of either of the above, and refugees. They aren't the only people at church but if you have problems with the military or our country, you probably wouldn't want to attend our church.

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