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You sign up (it is free) which gives you an account. Then you can do a few things.

1. List all the books (by ISBN) that you would like to give away.

2. Create a wish list of books you would like. This puts you "in line" for the book (if there is a line). You have a 200 book limit on your wish list.

3. Create a reminder list of books you would like or are not sure that you want yet. This list doesnt put you in line for the book. I use this as my wish list roll over. IE I have my wish list maxed and I use my reminder list as a holding spot, and when a place comes up vacant on the wish list, I transfer it over.


As far as swapping books.

When you list a book you want to get rid of, PBS will notify the first person in line for it (if there is one) or it will list it as an available copy.


When someone requests your book you print out (or hand write) their address, pay for the shipping and send it. This earns you 1 point. If you use PBS to buy the shipping, you can get your point immediately. If you get it at the post office, you have to wait until the requester receives the book and marks it received.


When you want a book, you can select it if a copy is available and use your point to purchase it. The person who has the book you want will pay to ship it to you.


If you do not want to list books to give away, you can purchase points through PBS to buy books with.


If you are in line for a book on your wish list (you can tell what # you are in line by looking at the wish list page) and the book becomes available, you will get an email to notify you.


When you receive your book, you mark it as received in your account.


You are able to put restrictions on books, such as you only want books from non smoking homes, or no pet homes etc. Or you do not have to put restrictions at all.


Let me know if that doesn't answer a question you have!:)

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bluemongoose did a good job of explaining the system. Just a couple more points for future reference. You must list at least 10 books in order to open your account and receive your 2 free credits. You might want to do a search first on the books you are thinking of listing and see if they are wishlisted or not (meaning there are members waiting to order them as soon as they become available). If you list 10 (or 20 or 30) books that happen to all be wishlisted you will get a ton of requests right away - which could be good or bad :) Good because you will get lots of credits for sending them, but bad if you don't want to spend $20 or $30 in postage right off the bat. Just something to think about before you get carried away. Doing a search first will let you know how many people are wishing or conversely how many copies are already in they system.


Have fun swapping!

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You sign up (it is free) which gives you an account. Then you can do a few things.

1. List all the books (by ISBN) that you would like to give away.

2. Create a wish list of books you would like. This puts you "in line" for the book (if there is a line). You have a 200 book limit on your wish list.

3. Create a reminder list of books you would like or are not sure that you want yet. This list doesnt put you in line for the book. I use this as my wish list roll over. IE I have my wish list maxed and I use my reminder list as a holding spot, and when a place comes up vacant on the wish list, I transfer it over.


As far as swapping books.

When you list a book you want to get rid of, PBS will notify the first person in line for it (if there is one) or it will list it as an available copy.


When someone requests your book you print out (or hand write) their address, pay for the shipping and send it. This earns you 1 point. If you use PBS to buy the shipping, you can get your point immediately. If you get it at the post office, you have to wait until the requester receives the book and marks it received.


When you want a book, you can select it if a copy is available and use your point to purchase it. The person who has the book you want will pay to ship it to you.


If you do not want to list books to give away, you can purchase points through PBS to buy books with.


If you are in line for a book on your wish list (you can tell what # you are in line by looking at the wish list page) and the book becomes available, you will get an email to notify you.


When you receive your book, you mark it as received in your account.


You are able to put restrictions on books, such as you only want books from non smoking homes, or no pet homes etc. Or you do not have to put restrictions at all.


Let me know if that doesn't answer a question you have!:)




I did want to add one thing - I always double check the description on PBS with my actual book. The picture on the cover doesn't have to match, but if PBS says "Hard back" and you have a paperback, stuff like that. I've never had a problem, but I know some people are extremely picky about the conditions of their books.

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Do you get more points for international swaps?


I belong to Bookmooch and get 3 points for an international mooch, while I pay 2 points to receive a book from overseas. I've been extremely happy with Bookmooch, but it seems that Paperback swap might be more active amongst homeschoolers, so I am considering joining it too.

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Do you get more points for international swaps?


I belong to Bookmooch and get 3 points for an international mooch, while I pay 2 points to receive a book from overseas. I've been extremely happy with Bookmooch, but it seems that Paperback swap might be more active amongst homeschoolers, so I am considering joining it too.


Paperbackswap doesn't do international swapping.

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Ok, I posted 10 books. 4 of them are on a Wish List Hold. What does that mean?


It means that those books were on someone's wish list. The system has notified the requester that the book is available and is probably giving them some time to get a credit so that they can request it.


Keep watching your account; some requests are porbably going to come through soon. :)

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