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Please keep our family in mind tomorrow - surgery.

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Okay, he's home. TONS better today, although still in a lot of pain. He had a reaction to the morphine pump. It made him feel like he was having an anxiety attack, crying, and vomiting (super painful right after neck surgery). FINALLY found something he could tolerate (percocet). Once we found a pain medication he could tolerate he started improving. He still needs help to do anything (drink, walk, pee, etc.) but they let him come home.


I'm tired.


Picked up my kids and the minute my 10yo laid eyes on her dad she burst into tears. Poor thing.


Thanks for your prayers. It is going to be a long recovery.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh man. If I were there, I'd come over and make you a big dinner, or throw laundry in , or do dishes or something!!!! I'm so sorry for your 10 yo. That must be so hard for her to see (and for you to deal with!).


I'll continue to pray that his recovery goes well!!

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I was just where you are now 5 months ago with my 9 yo dd. I know, I really, really know how hard it is. It was the hardest thing we've been through as a family, but I think we're better for it. Every time we can take a walk as a family, or see dd play and swim with her friends, I am so grateful. But it was a tough journey, and it's nice to be on the other side of it. I will continue to pray for your dh's recovery.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh man. If I were there, I'd come over and make you a big dinner, or throw laundry in , or do dishes or something!!!! I'm so sorry for your 10 yo. That must be so hard for her to see (and for you to deal with!).


I'll continue to pray that his recovery goes well!!


Me too, Daisy! Exactly, every word!


Hang in there. My friend had this sort of surgery about 5 years ago. Two or three weeks after, she and I were on a plane to Dallas for work and she did fantastic the whole weekend (even after the bumpy landing). It seems awful now, but I'm sure he'll be doing better even within the week.


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His surgery lasted five hours. The fusion was a success but the surgeon said he had a lot of bone spurs (signs of advanced arthritis). Sorry, I feel punch drunk.


If you could continue to pray, I'd appreciate it. He's had some negative reactions to medication (throwing up, panic attacks, etc.) and is in an incredible amount of pain. It has just about killed me to see him actually crying in pain. I think they've finally found a pain medication he can tolerate and he is dosing off and on, but still not getting good sleep.


I came home for a few hours sleep.


I'll update more when I can actually think.

:grouphug:It is so hard to watch someone you love in that condition. Praying for a speedy recovery, that the meds continue to work and that you get some rest.:grouphug:

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Oh Daisy! He looks GREAT!!!! I'll keep praying.


And, I just threw in another load of virtual laundry. The virtual sheets on your bed are fresh and your virtual dinner is in the oven. :001_smile:


Awesome! LOL. Can I get some virtual dessert, too? :D

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He is really doing better.


He finally just ditched all the narcotics. He can't tolerate any of it. Whether it is Morphine or Tylenol with Codeine it all makes his breathing & heart rate irregular and some of them even gave him hallucinations.


He started just taking xtra strength Tylenol but it wasn't helping any with his arthritis (which is going through a major post-surgery flare up). Doctor approved a return to NSAIDs today so today has seen a huge turn around in hubby's pain management.


He was up and walking around today, spent a few minutes on the computer, and actually talked with friends who stopped by to visit. I think I made his day when I washed his hair. LOL.


Nights are still a bit rough but that is to be expected, and he is still having some difficulty with some of his (uuhm) systems. He needs to get things moving, kwim?


Here's a picture of him looking pretty tired. Funny how Dixie (one of our cats) hasn't left his side since he got home.



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He is really doing better.


He finally just ditched all the narcotics. He can't tolerate any of it. Whether it is Morphine or Tylenol with Codeine it all makes his breathing & heart rate irregular and some of them even gave him hallucinations.


He started just taking xtra strength Tylenol but it wasn't helping any with his arthritis (which is going through a major post-surgery flare up). Doctor approved a return to NSAIDs today so today has seen a huge turn around in hubby's pain management.


He was up and walking around today, spent a few minutes on the computer, and actually talked with friends who stopped by to visit. I think I made his day when I washed his hair. LOL.


Nights are still a bit rough but that is to be expected, and he is still having some difficulty with some of his (uuhm) systems. He needs to get things moving, kwim?


Here's a picture of him looking pretty tired. Funny how Dixie (one of our cats) hasn't left his side since he got home.


The narcotics caused more problems here, too. It just wasn't worth it because they didn't help with the pain dd was having. Her mood really improved after we stopped them.


I'm so glad to hear things are coming along bit by bit. That's the way it is. Some days may seem to be a step back, but then one day you will realize how far he's come, how far all of you have come. Day by day.

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