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Lit analysis for middle school

Susan in TX

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I am planning for 7th grade and I need something that covers Literary analysis. I've used Lightning Lit and I don't want to use it again. I also want something that is more thorough. So far my plan is to use The Art of Poetry, Figuratively Speaking, and several Portals to Literature guides. Is this enough? Too much? Is there another curricula out there that will cover this stuff?


Susan in TX

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There is a poster here....gosh darn I can't recall her username, but in Lit Analysis threads, she usually posts all of the lit analysis programs by category and a bit about them. Perhaps if you search on literature analysis you will bring up one of her posts. If I can recall her username, I'll post it. I know I've seen her post it recently at the high school board.


I think it's Lori D.

Edited by Capt_Uhura
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