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a curious question about autism

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I have been thinking about this lately and was hoping that someone here could answer this question for me...Does austism spectrum symptoms and sensory disorder symtpoms go hand in hand...or can one happen without the other? And why is it that it seems like so very many autism kids have sensory issues as well? Thanks for shedding some light on this.



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I have been thinking about this lately and was hoping that someone here could answer this question for me...Does autism spectrum symptoms and sensory disorder symptoms go hand in hand...or can one happen without the other? And why is it that it seems like so very many autism kids have sensory issues as well? Thanks for shedding some light on this.




Calvin had sensory issues (largely gone now) but is not on the autistic spectrum.



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Beats me. I developed some sensory irritations during pregnancy and they haven't gone away.




Interesting! I think that's when my intense hatred of anything tight around my legs started. I still cannot wear tights or nylons. I don't even like socks much. Seriously. It actually HURTS my body to wear them.

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The two aspies in my family have sensory integration issues. I think they go hand in hand, but can exist without the other... but, I have no data to back that up.


Sensory integration issues... someone asked what causes them. When we had our son diagnosed, I was told that all the senses meet up at the back and base of the head. In neuro-typical people, the senses meet up and communicate clearly. I learned, but cannot give the source because so many years have passed, that with sensory integration disorder the senses meet up and have a lot of extra material at the conjunction... extra "wiring" and that they cannot communicate as clearly and sometimes super-sensitive (as in, when my son hears things that we cannot hear).


Does anyone else have an explanation?

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I have never met or heard of a person on the spectrum who didn't have sensory issues, but I know plenty of people with SPD who are not on the spectrum (three live in my house).





This has been our experience as well. I can think of lots of kids we've known over the years who had sensory issues but weren't on the autism spectrum.

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I believe that all of these things are related in some way(s), like SPD and ADHD are lower on the spectrum and as you add challenges and differences in behavior they increase to the point that we put those behaviors into a box and call them Aspergers and then as they increase more we stack up another box and call it Autism.




This is my understanding as well.

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Calvin had sensory issues (largely gone now) but is not on the autistic spectrum.



Son and I have sensory disorders -- but it could be more from having less myelin covering and our frontal lobe (white matter) deteriorating due to our rare metabolic disease. We are on the borderline Aspie/PPD-NOS category, but this is more of a overlapping co-morbidity with the BIGGER liver/metabolic disease. It goes hand in hand.



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