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MCT only for gifted?

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I wonder if it works best for children in large groups without a lot of individual attention if they are gifted.


At home where the child gets lots of individual attention with access to lots of discussion, MCT seems to work wonderfully for regular children.


(Says the Mom who has only completed Island level thus far.)

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I think that MCT saw that grammar wasn't being taught in schools. I think he saw a population that would be receptive to his love of language and marketed his product there first. In his book, he talks of using his method w/ a below level class and the Principal sat in and thought he was in the advanced class - it worked just as well for those kids. Dr. Kimnitz (owner of RFWP) said that MCT can be used at younger ages due to the one-to-one nature of HSing. In the MCT brochure, gifted is not even mentioned regarding the MCT LA materials.

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I've seen so much hype about this curriculum on these boards, I hopped on over to the website to check it out. It says it's for gifted students. Are all of you that are using this curriculum using it with *gifted* students?


On their website it says this:


Homeschooling parents should be aware that although the Royal Fireworks Language Arts Curriculum by Michael Clay Thompson is intended for very gifted students in a school setting, it can be used with most children in a home setting. This is because homeschooling is so productive in developing and nurturing the abilities of children.

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