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Has anyone here had an adult tooth pulled?

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Last Wednesday I went to the dentist to get some cavities filled. My back molar on top was cracked and the cavity was deep so the dentist said that if I wanted to keep the tooth, I would need a root canal and crown. We talked about it, and I opted for an extraction instead. Well....dang! It hurts like heck! He gave me Vicodin, and I am having to take it. I have an awful taste in my mouth and horrible breath. I am gargling in warm salt water like my instructions say and brushing my teeth, but it is soooooo gross! Is it normal to have a lot of pain and the odor and bad taste?? I admit I am a huge wimp. I have to work tonight, and I don't want to gross anybody out with my dragon breath. :ack2:

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EEEKKKK!! It was Wednesday, three days ago. Even my husband said I had bad breath last night, and he has NEVER said that before. I guess I need to call the office and see if they can page the dentist. Thanks everyone!

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Yeah, definatly call the dentist.


DH has unfortunatly had numerous pulled (this is what he gets for smoking and drinking sugary drinks, ie did not take care of his teeth) and he has *never* had "dragon" breath.


He *does* hurt for about a week after-wards, yet he is able to come off the rx meds within 3 days.


Hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

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Wednesday 10 days ago? Or 3 days ago? I wouldn't think it would still be hurting after 10 days. Have you seen the dentist for a follow up? I'd call.


I hate having dental work.


:iagree: The odor makes me think you may have an infection:( I had a back molar extracted and I felt no pain or odor afterwards. How long has it been?

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Did you call? What did they say?


Dry socket


A dry socket is:



Any socket in which a patient is having pain due to the loss of the blood clot thus exposing the bone to air, food, and fluids along with an offensive odor. This often occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last about 5-6 days. It is normal to have soreness and discomfort following an extraction.

However, pain should be lessening by the second day.



This condition exist when a blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site thus exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. The blood clot helps in the stopping of bleeding and lays the foundation or framework for new tissue and bone to develop over a two-month healing process. This condition is more common in the mandibular area and in back teeth due to poorer circulation in this area, with wisdom teeth being the most common site. Dry socket delays the healing process.


Treatment could include the following: blebul1a.gif

Medication applied to the site.




Clove oil technique.




Gauze with medication.




Additional home care instructions.




Applying topical anesthetic.






Patients usually notice pain relief in about 5-10 minutes after the dressing is applied.





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I had a wisdom tooth removed last year. they had to cut some of the jaw away as well. It was very painful. So painful that I went back the next day, .I found out the stitches had riped out, and the gum had shrunk. so they couldn't sew it up. The dentist gave me some REALLY strong painkillers, I was totally spaced out I only took them twice. I had bear bone that I could easily see. I didn't eat anything for a few days, it was just too painful. The pain slowly went away after a week. I still have a sort of hole in my gum there. I can't see the bone, but food sometimes gets caught in it.

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Well, I put off calling all day yesterday (I know, I know), and then I went to work last night. By the time work was over this morning, I was in a bad way. I have called the office twice today and left messages, but no one has called me back. I am getting really mad and desperate!!!

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Well, I put off calling all day yesterday (I know, I know), and then I went to work last night. By the time work was over this morning, I was in a bad way. I have called the office twice today and left messages, but no one has called me back. I am getting really mad and desperate!!!




There are few things (other than the obvious fall-off-the-roof stuff) that I consider an emergency-get-in-today kind of thing. . . but dental pain would be right on that ER list. Unfortunately, the actual ER wouldn't be much help in most cases. ..


TBH, if you have any really good pain killers in the house (narcotics), I'd take a good dose of those tonight to get through until morning and then off to SOME dentist by 9 AM. If you can't stand the pain and don't have good drugs in the house, the E.R. is an option, but it will be a pricey one and will just get you through the night until a dentist deals with you in the morning. . .


If you are stuck with OTC meds, I find Aleve (or generic) to be a good OTC pain med (take 2) or 800 mg ibuprofen. . .


Hang in there!!!!

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There are few things (other than the obvious fall-off-the-roof stuff) that I consider an emergency-get-in-today kind of thing. . . but dental pain would be right on that ER list. Unfortunately, the actual ER wouldn't be much help in most cases. ..


TBH, if you have any really good pain killers in the house (narcotics), I'd take a good dose of those tonight to get through until morning and then off to SOME dentist by 9 AM. If you can't stand the pain and don't have good drugs in the house, the E.R. is an option, but it will be a pricey one and will just get you through the night until a dentist deals with you in the morning. . .


If you are stuck with OTC meds, I find Aleve (or generic) to be a good OTC pain med (take 2) or 800 mg ibuprofen. . .


Hang in there!!!!


The dentist game me a prescription for 12 Vicodin when he pulled it Wednesday. I just took the last one. I do not ever take pain meds, but this is a desperate time. Thanks for you help. I'm going to show up in the morning at the office. They open at 8:00.

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I googled vicodin and it is tylenol + narcotic.


If it were *me*, and I was still in pain, I'd feel safe adding 800 mg ibuprofen to the mix.


hang in there. . .


morning will be here soon!


Oh honey, I've been taking Ibuprofen 800mg every 8 hours too. I'm on it!

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What does that mean for you? Meds, appointments, dressings, etc? I don't know what the care of a dry socket would entail, I'm just hoping it doesn't mean a lot of extra work for you.


When I went in to the dentist yesterday, they packed it with some medicated gauze. I go back tomorrow for another packing, and then if it's doing okay, I can remove the packing on Wednesday. He gave me more pain meds, and it feels a ton better already! Thanks for asking!

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I developed dry socket when I had one of my wisdom teeth pulled several years ago. I have experienced natural child birth and believe that infection was probably worse. Bless your heart! I am so glad you are feeling better. I know when they packed my mouth with medicated gauze, the relief was instantaneous. I hope you had the same relief. :grouphug:

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