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Weird problem with tiny blisters around mouth - ideas??

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I have been having the strangest problem lately.


I have always gotten fever blisters. I've had them ever since I was a small child. I don't usually have more than a couple a year, but when I get them they are usually really big, make my lip swell in the area of the blister, and throb badly.


Lately though, I have been getting tiny, and I mean tiny (like they don't show) blisters all around the edges of my lips where the lip meets the skin. They are itchy and almost feel like a fever blister, but they go away in a day or two and it almost seems like they respond to my using lots of lip balm.


I was thinking they could be a reaction to my lipstick, toothpaste, or even my anti-depressants since they cause dry mouth.


Any ideas? This is getting very annoying!

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Does it dry up after it blisters? Does it get better or worse after you use the lip balm? Could it be from stress?

I get something like that if I use the wrong cosmetics . It was once just Mary Kay, Covergirl and salicylic acid, but lately several other things seem to have set it off. I can't figure out what ingredient it is though. Mine always starts at the corners of my mouth and will spread over my whole face if I'm not careful. :001_huh: :glare:

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yes, it does seem to improve with lots of lip balm.


I was considering that it might be something in my lipstick (though it shouldn't because it's Bare Minerals and/or Burt's Bees). I also thought maybe it was toothpaste because I read something about Sodium Lauryl Sulfate causing fever blisters. I have gone back to my natural toothpaste because I realized that I had been using my son's whitening Colgate and that it could be the cause.


I guess I'm just gonna have to play detective, but I was thinking maybe if someone else had dealt with something like this, they might be able to offer up some suggestions.

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Kiwi fruit?


Sometimes those things make my lips itch (but never cause little bumps). :confused:


Could it be a heat rash?


Did you drink something too hot?


Have you had too much vitamin C lately?


Drink more water, see it that helps.


Leave your lipstick off for a few days.


Could you put lip balm and/or vitamin E oil and/or aloe on your lips?



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I have gone back to my natural toothpaste because I realized that I had been using my son's whitening Colgate and that it could be the cause.---



I get small blisters in that area, almost like pimples, when I use whitening toothpaste for an extended amount of time. I'm assuming it is somthing in the whitening ingredient. I just switch off and on every few days and I'm fine.

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I have a different kind of eczema on my hands that looks like tiny blisters that itch horribly. Maybe it is something like that?


I had this too (for 12 years) until I found out I had celiac disease.. When I stopped eating gluten, the rash completely disappeared and hasn't come back. I hated that rash! It was always in the same place on my right hand.. Alway so itchy!! Don't miss it at all.

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