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It's only our first week of Summer break and...

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I'm already BORED OUT OF MY MIND! My DSs have sat endlessly on the PS3. There's no schedule or rhyme or reason...just endless monotony. The kids are all irking me more.


I realize I need a purpose outside of homeschooling, but I really enjoy it. We're starting back to our lessons on July 12th, but I don't think that will come soon enough. I had my planning for next year all finished...now I've added and replaced and rescheduled so many things, it's a jumble...I had some extra money...bad idea for a bored curriculum junky.


OK, just getting that out. I figure here's the only place there might be women who don't think I'm completely nuts because they've also experienced this. Is there such a thing as Homeschooling Withdrawal?

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I always plan big projects for my breaks. Any painting needing to be done? How about the garage does it need organized? This year I have a baby coming so all my planning goes along with that. Rotating rooms and getting them ready, making room in the closet for another boy, toys need to be cleaned out! Laundry is caught up. Cabinets need organizing as well as linen closets.. Oh and the switch out from last years hs stuff to this years hs stuff. I could also price stuff for this falls garage sale. See the possibilities are endless!! These are all the things I grumble about all year and I do as many as possible in our four week summer break. :)

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My DSs have sat endlessly on the PS3. There's no schedule or rhyme or reason...just endless monotony.




Ah, the beauty of summer vacation!! Sorry, no sympathy here :D This is what summer vacation is ALL about and we enjoy it around here.


Relax, play some PS3 with them, and find a book to read ;)

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Relax, get a good book and hide from them for a while. Toss them some food. I have a swinging chair that I hang from a big tree in my yard. I sit in that with a book for as long as possible. WHen the kids start to grumble and be fussy, I give them yard work while I putter in my overgrown garden. As soon as they find something to do again, I go back to my book and my tree. When we get really bored, we pack up a picnic and go hiking or go to a big park. Find a stream, beach or other natural water feature and relax.


My faorite summer activities besides reading are watching grass grow, watching paint dry, watching the tide come in, and watching clouds go by.


Yeah summer!

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Well, I ordered the book I've been waiting for off Amazon...an actual pleasure book, not homeschool related.;)


My husband's building bedrooms for the kids upstairs, but he's taking forever. In another week or so I'll be able to paint and then watch it dry! Then organize the new family closet.


I, too, have a baby due so I could move my toddlers from my room up to the bedrooms and actually start planning for him. (Mental note: make fire under DH's butt to get on those bedrooms.)


I started recording reruns of Grey Anatomy...talk about desperate, but since it's on 50 times a week, I'll be occupied until my book comes.

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My older son is at a camp this week, but my younger son and I have had a nice peaceful week. He's been a bit sick, but today felt better. We slept late and both played on the computer for a bit this morning, then had lunch at Subway (sat outside at a picnic table in the shade with a nice breeze...ahhh:), then went to the bookstore for a bit.


After we came home, I sat in the shade and read a bit. I tried to take a nap, but couldn't, so I went back out to read more. Then it started to rain. I sat on the porch reading and watching it rain.


My son decided to declutter and reorganize his room, then went outside and threw his "spears" (old mop handles) around the yard.


He HAS played his new wii game too. And I've watched my fair share of Everybody Loves Raymond and The Nanny reruns this week too:)

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:iagree: Yes. Sorry. ;) No sympathy. Play Banangrams. Take a walk. Plant some herbs, raise tomato plants in pots if you have no yard, volunteer at the library. Take in a Fresh Air kid. Watch neat movies or documentaries or old movies /new funny sitcoms. Being bored is good, imo. It helps your brain jumpstart new ideas and interests. Bored is also a good reason to take a nap.



Ah, the beauty of summer vacation!! Sorry, no sympathy here :D This is what summer vacation is ALL about and we enjoy it around here.


Relax, play some PS3 with them, and find a book to read ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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Do you belong to a homeschool group? If so, do they do any summer get togethers and outings? If not, can you suggest some?


My group stays active in the summer, we go on field trips, outings, tours, set up pool and lake and in home get togethers, etc.


We plan a couple of mini vacations over the summer.


We're going to be hosting a child from The Fresh Air Fund.


We get together with family and friends and go out and do things together.


We plan to do SOME schoolwork over the summer, mostly Story of the World, attempting to learn some beginning Spanish with a book and audio CD, and trying out Times Tales to improve on memorization of the times tables.


The kids will be doing various activities- a couple of weeks of art camp, swimming lessons, etc, so I'll be chauffering for that.


But we also kind of like having time to just relax and do our own thing. The kids like to play on the computer and with the Nintendo DS and play outside with friends and read books and do crafts or go in the kiddie pool in the backyard or just sit around watching TV.


I like having time to just do nothing but read, play on my computer, play a video game, maintain my blog/journal, do a little writing, etc.


I'm sure you can find things to do to keep busy with if the lack of daily routine and activity gets too boring for you! :)

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I'm already BORED OUT OF MY MIND! My DSs have sat endlessly on the PS3. There's no schedule or rhyme or reason...just endless monotony. The kids are all irking me more.


I realize I need a purpose outside of homeschooling, but I really enjoy it. We're starting back to our lessons on July 12th, but I don't think that will come soon enough. I had my planning for next year all finished...now I've added and replaced and rescheduled so many things, it's a jumble...I had some extra money...bad idea for a bored curriculum junky.


OK, just getting that out. I figure here's the only place there might be women who don't think I'm completely nuts because they've also experienced this. Is there such a thing as Homeschooling Withdrawal?


This happens to me every summer. I always start thinking about getting a part time job or having another baby because I get bored. Now, I'm getting too old for the baby. Homeschooling keeps me so busy, I'm not sure what to do with all my time when we're done. I do more fun activities with the kids, of course, but the only other glaring thing that I could spend more time on is housecleaning and that really does not seem very exciting. I tend to just waste a lot of it here on the computer and I'm determined not to do that this year.



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I use holidays to declutter the house. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but it can be kind of addicting, and it helps things go more smoothly during term time. I try and catch up with girlfriends then, too.

I don't attend to the kids much during holidays. I restrict screen time, and then just expect them to entertain themselves most of the time. Of course, we do some things together- in summer, the beach, in other seasons, trips to the markets and shopping places, visiting people. But mostly, they do their own thing and we connect up a couple of times a day- morning and evening- and share. Now that they are teens, they taught themselves to catch buses and ride their bikes long distance, to catch up with friends. We stay in touch but I often hardly see them. I have a life independent from my kids - I always did, but I have a lot more time on my hands nowadays.

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