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homeschooling and working

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For those of you that work (for money) AND homeschool. Can you tell me how you do this. Specifically, I am wondering about the following.


1-How many hours do you work?

2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours?

3-How old are your children?

4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence?


In my case, I am considering a 20 hr/ wk job outside of the house (I expect some flexibility to work from home but I would still need to be on site). I will not be able to count on my husband to homeschool the kids in my absence (as he will be at work).



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I just started my dayhome. Today was day 1. I work 40 hours per week with this one chil, but if I add another my days will grow very long as there is days I have this child until 11pm-midnight. If I have early kids too my days could be 16-18 hours long easily. I do not leave the house unless we want to like right now because we wanted to go to the library. My own kids are 2, 6, 10 and 11.

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I plan on Home schooling in September . My daughter will be going in 5th grade. Im a single parent and I go to college online and have my own business. my store is open 10-5 during the week and sat 10-3 Im closed on Wed and Sun. I also have shorter hours in the late fall early winter and close for a few months in the winter. I plan on homeschooling in the mornings before work the major subjects. Then she will have independant work she can either come to the store with me and do work there or she go to my mothers and do it there. I also plan on doing some schooling after work like maybe art or music stuff.

I also do online work to make extra money.

being i have my own business our life is a bit more flexible at this point especially being the busy season for my business is mainly a spring through late fall. So i plan on just fitting HS'ing in with the rest of our schedule.


If you work 20 hrs aweek and you hav a husband I dont see why you couldnt make it work for you. Ive discovered through these boards that it can be so flexible, especially if your not a "schedule freak" ;)

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1-How many hours do you work? I work about 15 hours a week

2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours? For a couple of the hours to conduct a band

3-How old are your children? Our boys are 10, 8 and 6

4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence? They come with me when I leave and they have some reading or independent work to do.


I'm a music teacher/band director. I have the mornings set aside where we get most of our together work done. They know that they have independent work assigned while I'm with a student. We also have a quiet hour every afternoon for reading or playing quietly with each in his own room. On the days I teach lessons, that is always during a lesson. I've also tried to schedule everything for 2 days of the week. It makes those 2 days feel a bit overwhelming, but it's nice to have the rest of the week for us.


During the school year, we do run a fairly tight schedule because it would be too easy to never get anything done. My hubby's schedule is quite varied so he will take the boys out to the park or play outside with them during my lessons, but he doesn't do anything academic with them.


It can be rough and I do sometimes get jealous of my friends who don't work, but I love what I'm doing so we just keep figuring it out.

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I work 20 hrs a week from home. I work in the mornings at my desk and the kiddos work at the kitchen table behind me. Occasionally, I have conference calls and then they need to either help each other or work on something else until I am finished. If I do it properly, we all finish about the same time and have the afternoons free.


It's important to prioritize - especially if you are working outside the home. We clean house thoroughly on the weekend, but just "tidy up" during the week so it doesn't get out of control.

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I worked for two years. I was a waitress at a barbque place and I worked 3-4 evenings a week plus every other Saturday for the lunch shift.


:tongue_smilie: It was hard, even working at night. The boys were 10 and 12 ish and they were home with Rick at night. There were a few instances when Rick had meetings when I worked. We tried not to do that but when it couldn't be helped the boys came to the restaurant and ate supper there and Rick hurried through his meeting and then picked them up. :willy_nilly:


While we enjoyed my tips my salary was nothing to shout about... you know $2.50/hour doesn't look too good on the old paycheck.


It was hard. It was difficult for me to wind down after work-- it's a BBQ place--- loud and boisterous. And I was really tired in the mornings...so school work didn't get priority of the morning's activities. We got school work done in the afternoons but that wasn't really good for our home.


Right now, (at least Sept-May) I'm in college... I'm at home (it's all on-line) but it's still hard but at least I don't have an employer to scowl at me.


Good luck with it. It takes some work to plan and execute.

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1-How many hours do you work? 24 hours a week, 2nd shift.

2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours? yes.

3-How old are your children?She is 12.

4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence? No. We do a 4 day school week and on the 5th day, she goes to her father's house. She can use Friday to make up anything she's missed. I work Th-S while she's with her dad.



When she's in 9th grade (year after next), I'll be more comfortable leaving her at home and would be able to free up working weekends, but for now, it has to be this way.

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1-How many hours do you work?


I work 20hrs/week


2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours?


Yes (I drive about 15 minutes each way)


3-How old are your children?


My homeschooled kids are 13 and 9. I also have a 16y/o who goes to public school.


4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence?


No. I work from 5:30pm-9:30pm 5 days/week. I get all the homeschooling, cleaning, field trips, and get-togethers over with by around 4pm. Dh is home by 6pm and he takes care of the evening cooking, chauffeuring, and errands.


I was a SAHM for 12 years and only decided to get a p/t job for extra money for things like dance/music/sports/etc for the kids. Now it's 4 years later. It's been working out really well, we're putting more money towards bills, and I really enjoy what I do. It's a nice break for me, too. ;)

Edited by Abkjw01
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1-How many hours do you work?


24 hours a week.


2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours?


Yes. I work 12 hours shifts. alternating Sat/Sun + one weekday per week.


3-How old are your children?


Currently hsing 8yo and 4yo but started this work schedule when my older kids were 9 and 10.


4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence?


My older kids did some schoolwork on my workdays during their teen years. I don't expect any work to be done with the younger kids while I'm working.


I've been combining hsing and working for 10 years and managed to graduate my two oldest. It can be done!


Best of luck, mama!

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I'm a Birth Doula. I'm also one of the founding members of the CNY Doula Connection, which takes some of my time.


1-How many hours do you work? 10-40 hours a week, depending on what I'm doing and how many births I'm attending.

2-Do you need to leave the house to work those hours? Mostly. Attending births, doing prenatal and postpartum visits, going to meetings... all take me out of the house. Working on the websites and communicating with clients I do at home.

3-How old are your children? 9, 6, 4, and 2

4-Do the children homeschool in your absence? Does anyone monitor their homeschooling in your absence? Yes. When I'm not here, our babysitter will help them with any work I leave for them to do.

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I work 24 hours/week - 2 twelve hour shifts. My kids are 10 and 6 so I can't leave them by themselves at home. My husband and I can almost always work it out to have 1 or the other at home and if not my SIL can occaisionally babysit. Whoever is at home supervises the schooling and if they go elsewhere then they don't do school.


It seems to work out quite well but I would definately prefer the continuity of being there all the time.

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