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Bronchitis, pneumonia, the flu? What in the heck is wrong with me?

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I have fever, chills, muscle aches and pains, a headache, I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest and I have a horrible non productive cough. There is one child in the house who has the same symptoms so I am thinking that whatever it is must be contagious. There have been many hours over the past few days when we couldn't even get out of bed. Earlier I took a bath and I literally had to have my hubby help me get out and dry of and put me in bed. The only reason I am on the computer is because it is my laptop and I am in bed an d cna't sleep.


On top of that we are both dead in the middle of allergy season so we are also sniffling, sneezing, have itchy eyes, ears, nose & throat plus congestion. We also have a sore throat but I don;t know if that is from the allergies or the other problem.


We have been consuming Nyquil and Benedryl every four hours but it is really not helping much. I hate to go to the dr. if it is the flu or bronchitis because he can't really do anything for that. I guess if we are still sick on Tues. I call. But if you had to guess what sounds most likely? We are about three or four days in but everyone else in the house seems fine. :confused:

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It's time to go to the doctor. If your chest hurts, please go! If you need to wait another night, try some mucinex.

I tried to wait it out and I was up all night. I am miserable! I went this morning and started an antibiotic. I'm worse this evening.

I hope you feel better, soon!!!

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I would definitely go see the doctor or if they are away for holiday weekend then go to a clinic/emergency room.


I get the award for waiting forever to go to the doctor. I had walking pneumonia (passed out cold in the doctors waiting room) and he wanted to admit me to the hospital.


I had bronchitis which I was nearly hospitalized for because I waited so long to go see the doctor. I think I have asthma now because of the bronchitis.


Learn from my stupidity.

Edited by gingersmom
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Motrin and get to the doc. It's hard to tell without listening to you and better yet, an xray.

FWIW,what I thought was pneumonia was bronchitis and what I thought was bronchitis was pneumonia. I've had looser coughs with bronchial involvement and hacking coughs with pneumonia, but again,without listening to you it's hard to tell.

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Different version going through our household. I've been tired, fever, nausea, abdominal pain for a week now. Kiddos have had the nausea and tummy hurt, Hubby's had diarehea.


Enough already.


Do hope you're feeling better real soon.

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Several families around me are dealing with this right now. One of my friends said she has never felt worse in her life than she does right now. Whatever it is, it's awful!


Hope you feel better soon!

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I'd definitely go to the doctor ASAP, probably even urgent care tomorrow.


The "elephant on the chest" feeling is one I've only had twice, and that is when I've had pleurisy. (An infection of the lining surrounding the lungs.) Is it painful when you breathe? As a PP said, it could also be pneumonia--one of the times I had pleurisy, I had pneumonia at the same time. Both need antibiotics to clear up, and can turn really serious if you don't get on something soon.


Hope you feel better!

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I'd definitely go to the doctor ASAP, probably even urgent care tomorrow.


The "elephant on the chest" feeling is one I've only had twice, and that is when I've had pleurisy. (An infection of the lining surrounding the lungs.) Is it painful when you breathe? As a PP said, it could also be pneumonia--one of the times I had pleurisy, I had pneumonia at the same time. Both need antibiotics to clear up, and can turn really serious if you don't get on something soon.


Hope you feel better!


I have had both pleurisy and pneumonia and this feels more like pneumonia plus I have the fever and one of my dd has the same symptoms so I don't think it is pleurisy. When I had pleurisy it was more of a sharp contant pain. If I take more than very shallow breaths, then I set of a coughing fit and my chest is starting to feel congested now. I am feeling slightly better this morning than I did last night but when I am sick I always feel worse at night. I am not the type to go to the hospital unless I am physically incapable of fighting of the people who insist on taking me but if I am not better tomorrow I will call my regular dr.

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