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Has anyone used Hands on Equations (Algebra)


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I'm using it with my 4th grade son. I had him do the level 1 lessons last summer and he's been doing 1 - 2 problems/day in the verbal equations book all this year. Once he finishes all the level one problems, I will have him do the lessons for the next level. This is not a stand alone program, but a supplement. We use R&S for his main math program.



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We used it when my son was in 2nd grade. It was fun, but not worth the money, IMO. I did pull it out again when we came to "solve for x" problems in his math books and it did help reinforce his understanding.

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We used it when my son was in 2nd grade. It was fun, but not worth the money, IMO. I did pull it out again when we came to "solve for x" problems in his math books and it did help reinforce his understanding.


Kai -


Did you use the verbal equations book? I'm thinking my son will really get something out of it by doing a few problems a day over a long period of time, but if you have found otherwise, it would be nice to know.




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I had him do the level 1 lessons last summer and he's been doing 1 - 2 problems/day in the verbal equations book all this year. Once he finishes all the level one problems, I will have him do the lessons for the next level.


This is what I'm doing with my DD. The math required is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


I didn't get the videos and have been fine with the level 1 lessons.


Do make sure you get the Verbal Problems book, that's the real "meat" of the program.

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bump, anyone? Thoughts? Can this be done w/out the video? :)

(Nevermind, Crimsonwife answered my question. Lol.)


I did buy the dvd and was happy that I did, but I have heard other people say that they used the program without it and that they didn't have any problem teaching it.



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Definitely like! I suppose it does sort of drag things out if you have a profoundly gifted child or something. However, for my dd it's just very enjoyable. I like that it develops correct thinking about the math processes. At these early levels kids are often very intuitive and just see it, don't have to think through it. This gives them the methodology and develops good habits (know why you do it, do the check). It's just been a real winner here! And I like using the dvd. I'd be way too lazy to filter through their symbols in the booklet and figure it out. It's all there though, if you really want to. I think the guy is hilarious, and the children instructors are a nice touch. It's just very easy to implement with the dvd.

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Well, I used HOE with dd (12) last school year and am VERY happy with the program. This year I have her working a problem or two from the Verbal Problems Book every day and I am really impressed with the way the program introduced algebra concepts in such a concrete way. She has now progressed from using the pieces to writing out equations on paper using variables and I feel it gave her an excellent head-start on working algebraic equations.


This year she is working in MUS Pre-Algebra and because she has gone through HOE, she's not having any difficulty at all understanding how both sides of an equation have to stay balanced which is critical to solving algebraic equations. She's quite good at solving for the unknown and even at Level 1, *I* find some of the VP Book problems a bit difficult so it's stretching her mind to think of ways to turn word problems into equations on paper.

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