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I just got a traffic ticket

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and I'm so annoyed. :glare: I admit I cut through a parking lot to turn onto another road and I will pay the ticket. It's just irritating because I am one of those people that always tries to abide by the law. I actually do come to a complete stop at a stop sign! I was stuck in the wrong lane and couldn't get over, so I did what I needed to do to make my turn. Apparently they were all set up to ticket people for that very thing at that intersection today - 5 motorcycle police giving out tickets left and right. I guess the city will be a little bit richer after today. :001_unsure:

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How frustrating! And you know they don't give a whip about your safety - they just want your money.


If it helps you feel better, I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago for the first time in at least ten years. I was going ten miles over the speed limit :001_rolleyes:

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How frustrating! And you know they don't give a whip about your safety - they just want your money.


If it helps you feel better, I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago for the first time in at least ten years. I was going ten miles over the speed limit :001_rolleyes:


I almost did 3 days ago. Going ten mph over, :auto:, I got pulled over but just got a warming. I thought my 9yo dd was going to die. She was upset and cried for over an hour. The cop was nice and I was nice and all turned out well, but she was extemely embarressed thought I was going to go to jail and was unable to calm herself. Oh, how she gets worked up.

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Heh, heh. I had a close call last year when I was driving from our new home in AZ back to our old home in PA. I'd driven 2400 miles with 6 kids and was on the last 45 minutes of the trip when the baby started pitching a fit over something stupid. Cruise control was on, but I tensed up and in the process started accelerating without realizing. Glancing to the right, I saw a cop and instinctively hit the brake while looking at the odometer...oops doing 70 in a 55. Wouldn't you know it, the baby hushed in fascination as soon as he saw the strange man in the window? I just smiled and apologized because I knew I was caught. He peered in the car at the kids, the cooler, the trash, the piles of games and backpacks, and me alone with an AZ plate on my car; he shook his head and he let me go. He must have realized I'd been punished enough already.


So sorry about your misfortune today.



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Heh, heh. I had a close call last year when I was driving from our new home in AZ back to our old home in PA. I'd driven 2400 miles with 6 kids and was on the last 45 minutes of the trip when the baby started pitching a fit over something stupid. Cruise control was on, but I tensed up and in the process started accelerating without realizing. Glancing to the right, I saw a cop and instinctively hit the brake while looking at the odometer...oops doing 70 in a 55. Wouldn't you know it, the baby hushed in fascination as soon as he saw the strange man in the window? I just smiled and apologized because I knew I was caught. He peered in the car at the kids, the cooler, the trash, the piles of games and backpacks, and me alone with an AZ plate on my car; he shook his head and he let me go. He must have realized I'd been punished enough already.


So sorry about your misfortune today.




That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I use cruise control, stop at stop signs, etc., but sometimes...maybe after passing somebody? I don't know how it happens, but every once in a while, I find myself speeding mindlessly. I slow down & flip the cruise control back on, but I always think how MAD I'll be if I get caught on one of those days, when there are crazies out there trying to run me off the road!




Ok, sorry. I just figure that will be my luck. So I'm glad you got off with a warning. It's gotten to where when I see someone pulled over, I pray for them & the cop, too. I want the crazies to go away, but I don't want people who've made minor traffic errors to get in trouble. So I pray for justice! :glare: LOL. I take things waaaaaaaay too seriously.

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It's gotten to where when I see someone pulled over, I pray for them & the cop, too. I want the crazies to go away, but I don't want people who've made minor traffic errors to get in trouble. So I pray for justice! :glare: LOL. I take things waaaaaaaay too seriously.


Okay seriously, I'm :lol::lol::lol: over here. When I see someone pulled over, I pray it was the guy who cut me off 3 stops ago. Preferably the one with the extended muffler and loud bass. I think it's my hormones :D

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He peered in the car at the kids, the cooler, the trash, the piles of games and backpacks, and me alone with an AZ plate on my car; he shook his head and he let me go. He must have realized I'd been punished enough already.



:lol: Smart man. He must be married with kids.

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I got stopped a while before we left Maine last year. There is this stretch of Route 1 from Bangor to Caribou that is long( 180 miles I think), straight and hardly any traffic so its easy to over do it. They had a speed trap set up at the end with 5 state police officers and I got caught :001_huh: I didn't have my insurance card on me either so I got a ticket for that too ( which I didn't have to pay when I mailed inthe copy of the card). SO, I tend to drive a wee bit slower now LOL.

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sit there and wait for people to do that. I saw a woman do that recklessly yestereday morning and there was not a cop around and she should had been nailed because she nearly took two cars out making that switch in the lanes.:glare:

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And you know they don't give a whip about your safety - they just want your money.


Well, okay, I don't personally know those guys. They could be total a$$es who beat their wives and swear at their kids and call their nightsticks by that horrible name that certain cops in the south still do. Some cops are bad, yes.


But, in general, I disagree strongly with the notion that the enforcement of traffic laws is not a safety issue. When you think that the third leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of seven is traffic accidents in which the children are pedestrians, you start to take a different view of what "little" cheats like that could mean.


My view on this might be swayed, however, by living in a town that adds 6000 "bonus" drivers during the school year, all between the age of 18 and 22, all of whom are driving SUVs, and none of whom seem to know how to drive in a manner that does not risk the lives of pedestrians and motorists everywhere. :tongue_smilie:



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and I'm so annoyed. :glare: I admit I cut through a parking lot to turn onto another road and I will pay the ticket. It's just irritating because I am one of those people that always tries to abide by the law. I actually do come to a complete stop at a stop sign! I was stuck in the wrong lane and couldn't get over, so I did what I needed to do to make my turn. Apparently they were all set up to ticket people for that very thing at that intersection today - 5 motorcycle police giving out tickets left and right. I guess the city will be a little bit richer after today. :001_unsure:


Can you imagine if everyone "did what they needed to do to make their turn?" :confused: It would be a free-for-all.


I have had many times where I didn't get over or went the wrong way and just had to go to the next road and turn around. It's legal and you don't get ticketed.


With that many police officers cracking down it seems to me that they must be having a major problem with it and that is why they are cracking down.

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he shook his head and he let me go. He must have realized I'd been punished enough already.



When I was expecting my 5th, I was driving them to a friend's house while I was in (what I thought was) labor. . . . .


Yep. Got pulled over.


The officer approached the window, "Ma'am, did you know you were doing 40 in a 25 zone?"


me: sobbing hysterically: "Yes. And. I . Think. I'm. In. Labor. And. I'm. So. Sorry. And. And. And."


kids in the back: deathly quiet


Officer: backing away with hands up: "Ok, ma'am . . . just. . . .just drive safely."



Oh, to have been a fly on the wall when he got back to the station!




Sorry for your ticket - hope it's the last for a long, long time!

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