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Sonlight Science K

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We are also Sonlight Science K users and are into Week 8 and our review would be exactly like yours. It's an absolute hit here! It was fun to see your pictures of the experiments too. I have some of the same ones posted in my blog (weather vane, iceberg - we made another iceberg and it's sitting in the freezer right now!)


I plan on using Science 1 as well before moving onto God's Design for Science.


And I agree it's easy to use secularly as the books used are secular and the only Bibical references are in the Instructor's Guide. We don't use it secularly...

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It is great to see how well it is working for people! I just received most of Sonlight Science K last week. I've started looking through it, and it looks perfect for my dd. We are starting at the end of July, when our next school year will start and I am so excited! Thanks for the review. :001_smile:

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We still like it too and we are on Week 33. The boys LOVE doing the experiments and then watching them on DVD (they think Justin is hilarious).


The only thing I would add is that for us, there is far too much material to do it in a 2 day schedule. I have very wiggly little boys, and they could not sit still for that much didactic information/facts at once. I would really consider attention span when thinking about condensing the schedule to 2 day. My ds loves science, but the Usbourne books are not narrative, and he can't listen and absorb for a longer period of time like he would with a narrative story. Plus, he is in the "why" stage and usually asking questions a mile a minute about the one topic we are studying, and adding another topic would only increase that flow :D.


I debated long and hard about doing Sonlight 1 next year, since I love the book selections and the experiment kits, but ultimately I decided it was just too much info to get through in one year. We are doing the 5-day, and even beginning in late August, I've really had to push at times to get through it all before our summer camps begin this year. We are adding history next year and I want to focus on basics (especially increasing ds's reading fluency) so we need to take science down to a 2 day schedule.


We love science at our house, but in the early years here it has to take a back seat to the other basics, and Sonlight Science is just too much material for us. Just something else to consider, but if you all can do that much science and all the rest, more power to you!

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