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McCall-Crabbs Standard Test Lessons


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This is the 3rd year my son has been using this book. I'm not sure if it really increases comprehension or not, but it does help me monitor his progress.




ETA: I haven't gotten our standardized test scores back this year, but in past years he has never done as well there as he does in McCall Crabbs. He usually scores at least 1 - 2 grade levels above wherever he is in McCall Crabbs, but then only at the 50% on the IOWA for comprehenson. I think it's because the IOWA has a much larger number of inferential type questions than McCall Crabbs.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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I start using them in 3rd. I've seen improvement in my ds test scores.


I'm not sure if that's due to the exercises themselves or just the testing type practice.


The kids seem to enjoy the short readings too.


If you do buy, I'd definitely buy the answer sheets too. Ask me how I know. :001_huh:

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If you do buy, I'd definitely buy the answer sheets too. Ask me how I know. :001_huh:

:iagree: :tongue_smilie:


My dd has improved a lot since we started these two years ago. I would definitely do the "average 10" method to see where your kid is because the level varies quite a bit from day to day. (It depends on the subject level and how closely my dd is paying attention to the reading.)


I don't do a formal reading program, so this is my method to help her with reading for comprehension and to gently get her exposed to the type of questions she might see on a standardized test.


We are going to skip doing them next year to help her get caught up with the book. I'll do the "c" book when she's in 5th, I think. (She did A in 2nd, and just finished up B in 3rd.)

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We have used the compilation hard back edition for the past 3-4 years and I would say it increases comprehension IF you do more than just score it ;) By that I mean, thatwhen they do make an error, you sit down and go over it with them - expliciting explaining why one answer would be the best choice vs. the other options. We do the 10 passage average as well. If you are still on my Heart of Reading group, I have a file with student answer sheets and a teacher recording sheet for keeping records that I created and use for ours.




This year we have alternated days between this and Six-Way Paragraphs, both great resources that target different areas of comprehension. I prefer this approach to just using one or the other. (there's a sheet in the files for this too). I do the same sit down, go over, explain approach here, and will seek to understand my child's thinking when she has selected an incorrect answer. This has made a big difference. Sometimes her "logic" makes sense and it gives me some insight into her thinking, but then we discuss that while it might make sense, another choice would be more encompassing, detailed, accurate, etc.



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

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My Blog - http://seasonsoflearning.blogspot.com/

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My dc start with book A in 3rd grade, and begin a new level each year. I have the five-in-one bindup from Back Home Industries. Within each level, I rearrange the passages in order of increasing difficulty, rather than having the child work straight through the level.


I think my copy says that book A is intended for 3rd grade, B for 4th grade, and so on. You could use the books for older grades because the difficulty of the reading passages increases to college level by book E.


One of my dc loves this book, while the other tolerates it. They have done well on the reading comprehension section of standardized tests, though I don't know how much difference this book makes because they started using it prior to taking standardized tests.

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I've used McCall Crabbs for a few years now. I cannot say if it has improved their reading or comprehension. Both skills were already quite good when we started the program. I've used it to track progress and reading level more than anything else. It also seems to make my dc think about what they are reading. We have had several discussions on the difference between reading for pleasure and reading for knowledge. There is a skill to "mining for answers" in a text. This does help me track their progress.

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Trixie made a great point! We also work through ours by increasing level of difficulty. This means of progression is outlined on the answer sheet, which you have to purchase separately. But it's only a dollar or so!



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((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

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