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Spin Off: Kids alone overnights........

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I think it depends on the kid and the situation. When I was 14-15, I was babysitting overnight for several different families regularly - 2 were night shift workers (one family had one infant who slept all night, the other had 2 elementary aged kids that I just had to feed breakfast and send off to school before I walked to school myself). There was also a third family with 2 young elem kids and they would go away for the weekend

(!!!), leaving me in charge of the kids. When I got old enough to drive, they let me use their car and drive their kids around too. Those were the best babysitting gigs, especially the overnights where I made money just sleeping!


I think that in theory, many 15 year olds would have the the maturity and life skills to be able to stay home alone, especially with a family friend checking in often and staying in close contact. But parents really have to use their own discretion here as 15 year olds vary wildly in maturity and decision making skills, not to mention other factors like the influence of friends, safety of the neighborhood, etc.


I was babysitting my brothers alone overnight when I was 12. I had a struggling single mom who worked rotating overnight shifts and the babysitters we had didn't work out. I was a responsible oldest kid so I did it. She also left me home alone at age 13 for a week when she went on vacation because we couldn't find anyone to cover my paper route.


I wouldn't do either of those with my kids. Mine weren't thrust into the positition of responsibility that I was, and our community isn't as safe as ours was back then.


I do agree that kids vary considerably in maturity. My 16 yo would get along fine on his own.

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I also wanted to say that my oldest four have all left home at the age of 17. I have raised them to be independent and they have all matured quickly. For all intents and purposes they are adults by the time they leave home: they have homes, cars, jobs, college, bank accts.

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I haven't read the other responses, but I left dd15 home alone overnight with ds11, ds7, and ds4 about two months ago, when she was dd14. No problem. Truly an individual call, I think.


It really is. The more I think about it, the more I think that my then 15yo (he's almost 17 now) would've done BEAUTIFULLY left home alone, even with his siblings. It's harder to imagine leaving my now 12yo in 3 years, but maybe he will grow up by then!


For what it's worth, overnight can mean anything. It seems silly to think that it's okay for a 15yo to babysit until 3am or so (which my ds was, but for his other parents) but not until 8am?


I also can't see waiting until their 18. It isn't a magic age. They don't wake up on the morning of their 18th birthday mature and responsible, just legally liable for their own stupidity!:lol: (I tell my ds all the time that I don't allow certain things because I don't want to be legally liable!)

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You know, my girls could easily have stayed home alone overnight by the time they were 12 or so. Really. Especially if they were with a sister. The boy. Well. Hmmm. I have two 15 yo's right now. If there were a need, I would leave them here without even thinking twice about it. They have phones. They can walk to get anything they needed desperately.

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It really is. The more I think about it, the more I think that my then 15yo (he's almost 17 now) would've done BEAUTIFULLY left home alone, even with his siblings. It's harder to imagine leaving my now 12yo in 3 years, but maybe he will grow up by then!


For what it's worth, overnight can mean anything. It seems silly to think that it's okay for a 15yo to babysit until 3am or so (which my ds was, but for his other parents) but not until 8am?


I also can't see waiting until their 18. It isn't a magic age. They don't wake up on the morning of their 18th birthday mature and responsible, just legally liable for their own stupidity!:lol: (I tell my ds all the time that I don't allow certain things because I don't want to be legally liable!)

:iagree: With everything. Overnight means different things, 18 doesn't mean mature and responsible, and it does depend on the child :D

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