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Simple, fun, practical science for 4yo ... & DH

Guest RecumbentHeart

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Guest RecumbentHeart

We have long planned for DH to be involved in home schooling by doing most of the science with the children. He particularly loves it and is all about it BUT he is not inspired by Mudpies to Magnets which I had bought last year with this time in mind. After flipping through it last night and trying a couple of things he told me he was really looking for something more exciting, that didn't involve a lot of preparation time and trips to the store for unique supplies. I haven't looked at it closely and did suggest that although it might not all be stimulating to him, it might be for a 4yo and that at times, preparation is just something you need to be prepared to do when home schooling and that's something he's willing to consider but I was wondering if you ladies have any suggestions for other book/resources that might be more stimulating for my DH as well.

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Don't know for a child this young, but after a lot of research, I can see R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey is a blast when it comes to experiments. Another one to try is the Young Discoverers Series, which range from Weather to Solids and Liquids to Plants. Short and basic is what you're looking for at this age. Elemental Science has a foundation year she's working on that should be perfect.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Don't know for a child this young, but after a lot of research, I can see R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey is a blast when it comes to experiments. Another one to try is the Young Discoverers Series, which range from Weather to Solids and Liquids to Plants. Short and basic is what you're looking for at this age. Elemental Science has a foundation year she's working on that should be perfect.


Those books look awesome and something I will definitely be looking into more but not so sure they're as simple as we're looking for right now. Currently our science plans are just me reading to the children from The Story-book of Science and DH building things and making things go and fizz and fly and other fun stuff. Just basic home and kitchen experiments.


I keep searching while checking back here for responses and although I haven't found any books yet I did find a site: http://www.tryscience.org. The experiments section seems to have some basic and neat activities they could try together. I prefer books to online resources though but I guess I can't be picky. :tongue_smilie:If anyone has book suggestions though with similar activities in it that would be awesome. :)

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Guest RecumbentHeart
What about Sonlight Science K?


We haven't used K, but we're on the last two weeks of Science 2 and 4 and really enjoyed our year of science. I've already purchased 3 and 6 for next year.


I've never looked at that and will definitely check it out. Although it seems to be more than what I'm looking for right now it does look very interesting and tempting. lol

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I've seen the Usborne Big Book of Science Things to Make and Do recommended for that age group, and it looks fun.


Sonlight's PreK 4/5 core has some wonderful science books, but not experiments. Their Science K is wonderful; if you were interested in using it later I'd hold off, but if you won't be doing SL Science, you can get just the Usborne Science Activities Vol. 1, which is where all their experiments come from. We did that last year when mine were in preschool/kindergarten, without the rest of SL Sci K and they LOVED it!



Edited by Lightly Salted
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Guest RecumbentHeart

He definitely intends to get some cool science kits to do from time to time as well. :D I'll show him those links so he can check these ones out.


Amy, the book suggestions are great and appear to be just the kind of thing we're looking for as far as books. Thanks. :)

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Guest RecumbentHeart
My children enjoyed the Let's Read and Find Out About Science series when they were younger. I enjoyed them to. :) They are picture books with age appropriate text and colorful pictures that also contain several simple related experiments to the topic discussed.


Oh those are cute! Thank-you for the suggestion. :) They might be nice just to have for general interest.

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I second Sonlight Science K. Very easy, since it comes with all the supplies, dvd, and book for the experiments. My kids LOVE the Usborne easy readers (Caterpillars and Butterflies, How Flowers Grow, ect...). We have a ton of these. My girls read them to their 3 yr. old brother all the time.

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He definitely intends to get some cool science kits to do from time to time as well. :D I'll show him those links so he can check these ones out.


Amy, the book suggestions are great and appear to be just the kind of thing we're looking for as far as books. Thanks. :)


Glad to help :D


There are actually 2 more in that Science Activity book series






We're planning to do them all eventually :D

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We've really enjoyed this book here. I asked about it near the beginning of the year and promptly went ahead and got it. It's experiment after experiment and fun for the 3-5 crowd.


ETA: I just realized the look inside feature doesn't allow you to see the actual experiments. I just wanted to add that they are laid out quite nicely and are easy to follow.

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Has he looked at BFSU? Some start off, very slowly, with 4 year olds. If he doesn't think it appropriate for now, it can sit on the shelf for a year or so. It's quite inexpensive. You can stop it to do fun kits and things whenever it takes your fancy.



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This is a wonderful thread! I've been looking for science experiment ideas as well for our almost 4 yr old DD. I checked out both Mudpie to Magnet books from the library, and I agree that a lot of them are geared towards a classroom setting and/or require items we don't need or keep around the house (ammonia and liquid bluing for example).

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