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So my neighbor was mowing at 6:15 am today....

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Actually in all the areas I have ever lived in, including overseas in Belgium, there were noise ordinances and noise is not allowed before 7am, for example, here nor after 11 pm. I consider that a reasonable rule.


I would check my area's rules and then I would let it go if it only happened one time. If it was against the rules, like I suspect it may very well be if you live in a city or suburb, then I would only talk to the neighbor if it happened again. If he persisted after the warning, I would then be putting in complaints to whoever does noise enforcement.

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Yeah, this. Neighbors make noise and mowing is better than a party or a thumping car - it needs to be done. Sucks for those of us who aren't morning people, but there's nothing to be done about it.


See, I disagree & it actually has little to do with the time of day b/e I'm up at that time anyway.


People don't need to make that much noise, or should at least be conscious of the noise they're making and take steps to minimize it. Noise pollution is a big issue for many people.


I have a stream on my property - I like to be able to hear it. I have many birds nesting here, bathing in the stream or feeding at the feeders - I like to be able to hear them.


I don't mind the noise of people talking or laughing, children playing. I do mind people's stereos, power tools, stinky loud mowers, built in vac's (around here they're generally put in the garage which people like to open so the neighbourhood can hear their screaming vacuum but they're oblivious to the sound inside). I can't be out on my deck or in my garden when a lot of this noise is being made.


Our municipal bylaw actually states:


"No person shall make or cause, or permit to be made or caused, any noise in or on a public or private place which disturbs or tends to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience of any person or persons in the neighbourhood or vicinity."


I just wish they'd actually enforce the thing. :glare:



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See, I disagree & it actually has little to do with the time of day b/e I'm up at that time anyway.


People don't need to make that much noise, or should at least be conscious of the noise they're making and take steps to minimize it. Noise pollution is a big issue for many people.


I have a stream on my property - I like to be able to hear it. I have many birds nesting here, bathing in the stream or feeding at the feeders - I like to be able to hear them.


I don't mind the noise of people talking or laughing, children playing. I do mind people's stereos, power tools, stinky loud mowers, built in vac's (around here they're generally put in the garage which people like to open so the neighbourhood can hear their screaming vacuum but they're oblivious to the sound inside). I can't be out on my deck or in my garden when a lot of this noise is being made.


Our municipal bylaw actually states:



"No person shall make or cause, or permit to be made or caused, any noise in or on a public or private place which disturbs or tends to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience of any person or persons in the neighbourhood or vicinity."





I just wish they'd actually enforce the thing. :glare:






That's the thing - they don't enforce it. How can they, really? How are people supposed to mow their lawns without making noise?


I definitely get what you're saying and I feel the same way, but where does your right to peace & quiet override their right to trim their grass? Usually there's a time connected with it and in most places 6:15 just isn't that time. Honestly curious - when do you mow your lawn? Are you sure it's not disturbing someone somewhere?

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That's the thing - they don't enforce it. How can they, really? How are people supposed to mow their lawns without making noise?


I definitely get what you're saying and I feel the same way, but where does your right to peace & quiet override their right to trim their grass? Usually there's a time connected with it and in most places 6:15 just isn't that time. Honestly curious - when do you mow your lawn? Are you sure it's not disturbing someone somewhere?


We have a reel mower. :D I can stand at one end of our yard & not hear it being used at the other end.


But dh does have an electric hedge trimmer & he does use it twice a year. We have huge, long hedges & while we can mostly maintain them during the year with manual pruners, we do take the electric pruner to them seasonally.


Our municipal quiet hours are from 10pm to 7 am, so certainly we wouldn't do it at that time.


Dh's also gone out to do something with a power tool on the outside of the house & come back in when he realized our sweet neighbours were having a quiet garden party.


It just seems common courtesy. We tend to do these things when someone else is already making some noise.


Which is sadly not hard as we also have some obnoxious neighbours. And when our nasty neighbours - who inflict their tools and stereos on everyone (which they turn up extra loud so they can hear them over their own power tools) are having a garden party, I tell ya, I want to get every single power thing I own & plug them in on just our side of the property line ...... I am so fed up with listening to other people's noise.


I was actually making a broader point, & that was also the point of the document I linked to way back in this thread. We all suffer from noise polution & we can all help & do our part. Manufacturers now make much quieter models of all sorts of tools, we can choose quieter models, and we can choose when we use them.


But many people are not even aware of noise pollution as a concept.

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:iagree: And my least favorite is the loud whining of a leaf blower. It ruins the meditative qualities of raking.


On the other side of the coin, I am terribly allergic to mildew. Raking leaves puts me in bed for 3 days, violently ill with sinus troubles. So, dh bought one of those leaf things that sucks up the leaves and mulches them. MUCH better for my allergies. But, then, I wound up paying someone to do the yard when he was gone, anyhow. ;)

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I haven't quite caught the ability to convey an ironic tone in my messages - fully aware that many people would find raking an arduous chore, and NOT an opportunity to reflect and meditate. I may indeed be the only one. I'm terribly allergic in the spring when pollen counts are high and late summer hayfever. The fall is the only time, I get out to do any yard work!


Mostly, I am responding to the previous post regarding the lack of silence almost everywhere, and I mourn it. We were camping in the Great Smokey Mountains last summer. Our site backed up to the classic babbling brook whose melodies were overridden by the generator in the campsite beside us. Fortunately, there were noise deadlines, but one wonders why venture to the wilderness with your air conditioner and TV in tow?


And now, I fear I have strayed to far from topic...

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I live in the country, so that is pretty standard.


I think it would be an issue in the city, however. Where do you live? Call your town or city hall--they will have the time guidelines for noise etc. Your neighbor may be breaking the law...or not. It really depends. I live in a designated agricultural commmunity, so work happens early. :tongue_smilie:

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