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Breathe in, breathe out...

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The weather forecast today includes a high chance of very large tornadoes in my area. I'm already freaking out. Nasty storms scare the living daylights out of me. I'm trying to keep it under wraps around the kids, but I'm afraid I'm not doing a very good job. Even though I hadn't said ANYTHING about the weather, DD screamed bloody murder when I dropped her off at school today. The teacher literally had to pry her off my leg. This has happened two other times during this entire school year as typically she adores school. I also feel the need to deep clean my entire house, which is another sign of anxiety for me. We have a tornado shelter, but that's not a huge consolation right now. I could use some cleansing thoughts and/or a few prayers today if anyone has a few seconds!

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I grew up in the midwest and we lived there until ds was about 8. When he was about 5 we were eating dinner and the sirens went off for a tornado warning. Dh and I were used to them, gather up your shoes, a flashlight, find the cat and dog and head to the basement. Ds had not been through a warning that close.


Dh stood up too abruptly and announced we had to head for the basement. Totally freaked out ds, he cried and screamed thinking a tornado was heading toward our house right then. :glare: I was not happy with dh. It took months for ds to get over his fear of not just tornadoes, but the sirens as well.


He's a logical kid and I armed him with information. Weather patterns, why sirens go off, how to be prepared, etc. I also avoided showing him those massive twisters they always show on the news.


All that to say, I understand. :grouphug: and some prayers for protection and peace today.

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Thanks... I've lived my entire life in Tornado Alley, so you'd think I'd be used to it. And to some extent I am. I'm not sure why this particular system is scaring me so badly. Usually I can take a few deep breaths and move on, but I can't today. I'm wondering if it has to do with the migraine medication I took last night. Regardless, I appreciate the thoughts and prayers!

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That can be so terrifying, I know. I've lifted you in my thoughts and prayers with you today!


I grew up in Michigan's U.P. where tornadoes are rare, but everyone has basements. I moved to TX where tornadoes are common, yet nobody has a basement!


Funny thing is, in my 20 years in TX, I'd never been really close to a tornado until we traveled from TX to the U.P., via MN and had to pull over and seek shelter in the basement at Cabella's to wait out a tornado.


Ya just never know. :)

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Sarah, I just saw on the news that there was a massive tornado, and several smaller ones, in OK. I sure hope you and your family are OK!


We aren't in "tornado alley", but it sure feels like it with all the watches & warnings we get here (N. Alabama).


I've been through several tornadoes (both here and in Florida, where I grew up), and between that history and the fact that every time there is a cloud in the sky, a watch or warning is issued, it feels like I need a chill pill during the stormy seasons. My nerves just can't take it anymore!


Hope everyone there is OK!! How scary for you. :grouphug:

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Sending thoughts of safety your way!!


When I was around 4 or 5, we briefly lived in Kansas. My mom (who is German) had never seen a tornado before and didn't know anything about tornado safety. We sat outside on the porch of our house and WATCHED a tornado go by not too far away from us. We both thought it was extremely fascinating. We finally went inside when mom said "it's getting a little windy out here"... :001_huh:

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