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How can I dispel some anxiety?

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Some days, I can literally feel adreneline coursing thru me, like a hidden current or a fine, silver thread. I just hate that feeling--

I do believe God will help me, tells me not to be anxious, all that.


What can I do to help get rid of this pit-of-the-stomach, sometimes-overwhelming anxious feeling that seems to have no logical cause and no real reason for sticking around? What do you do?

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I'm assuming from your signature that you are at least in your 40's . I'm 43 and started having feelings like you are describing about 3 years ago. Several of my friends have experienced the same things. Out of the 9 women I have discussed this with at length, here are our solutions:

2 - natural progesterone cream and no caffeine (I'm one of these) - I'm doing better most of the time, but still struggle at certain times of the month.

1 - got pregnant, now she's doing great!

2- bioidentical hormones - they're both doing better than the rest of us.

1 - natural diet, decrease stress - she's still struggling

2 - anti-depressants - they both did better for a short time, but not long term.


I know my little survey may not help, but I want you to know you are not alone. Your explanation of a "hidden current" or "fine, silver thread" rings true and is an excellent way to describe what I've battled over the past 3 years.

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I had to go the route of anti-anxiety medications (I was on Celexa). It helped me get through the worst time and after about a year or so I went of it.


It is a horrible, horrible feeling and I know that when it is happening it doesn't feel like it will ever end. Hang in there! :grouphug:

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Anxiety-based problems like this are greatly helped by meditation, dietary changes and moderate exercise routines. Some people benefit tremendously by eliminating caffeine, sugar, and processed food. The usefulness of meds for that type of thing is questionable. If the etiology is biological/hormonal, I don't know how you should proceed.

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I'm having this issue as well. For me, I don't FEEL stressed out during the day, but I've been awaking with severe panic attacks for a few weeks now, and even if not with a panic attack, awaking Every Single Night at 3:00 and it's getting OLD.


A friend of mine told me this is perimenopause. She had to start the bioidentical cream and it's made a HUGE difference in her. I want to do the same.


I am not willing to cut out caffeine at this point because I'm just So Tired. But I am trying to not get too busy, trying to do therapeutic type activities (for me it's gardening and spending time with my animals.) and I want to start yoga for myself, but also for my youngest who has PTSD. It's really not against my faith, as I once thought it was.


There is also tea that helps tremendously, both Calm tea and Tension Tamer. I forget who makes them but you can also try chamomile tea.

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I call this my 'feeling of impending doom'. I can definately tell it is hormone related, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Getting more sleep helps some, but another hormone issue I have is insomnia, so it is a vicious cycle there.


Good luck.

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Some days, I can literally feel adreneline coursing thru me, like a hidden current or a fine, silver thread. I just hate that feeling--

I do believe God will help me, tells me not to be anxious, all that.


What can I do to help get rid of this pit-of-the-stomach, sometimes-overwhelming anxious feeling that seems to have no logical cause and no real reason for sticking around? What do you do?


Took the .22 rifle out and shot it. Also shot a container of water with a .44 - first time I've done that. I feel better now. (I think the leaving the house and being outdoors most of the day helped as well.)

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In the moment, I practice closing my eyes and doing deep breathing very slowly. Anxiety is physiologically incompatible with deep breathing. I also like the verse from Timothy which states that God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Emphasis on SOUND MIND.:001_smile: I really like that part. It was my "mantra" during natural childbirth, as well, and it helped me a great deal to manage the pain and the anxiety brought on by the pain.

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Anxiety-based problems like this are greatly helped by meditation, dietary changes and moderate exercise routines. Some people benefit tremendously by eliminating caffeine, sugar, and processed food. The usefulness of meds for that type of thing is questionable. If the etiology is biological/hormonal, I don't know how you should proceed.


While diet, meditation, and exercise ARE beneficial ... sometimes medications are too. Though it can be a pain to find the right ones.


As someone who has dealt with severe anxiety, and depression, for the past nearly ten years. (And we're only just now beginning to find the right combinations of meds.)


OP: If you can fight it off with the great natural suggestions you've been given, that's awesome. The sooner you can find something to help it, the better, so your body doesn't get into the anxiety 'habit', which then becomes very hard to break.


If you can find triggers that will help. Caffeine for some (including chocolate, or the amounts in some medications), hormones, weather (air pressure changes), a situation or thought that pops into your head and sets you off, perhaps even a weird food allergy or an annoying scent or something. Anyway, if you can find something (or a combination of somethings) that might be triggering the adrenaline, it's easier to be pre-emptive with the exercise and meditation ... hard to do deep breathing when you're in a full-blown panic attack! (Especially with allergies! Sigh.)


Has there been any lifestyle change lately? Or a new medication that might have a weird side effect? Or anything like that?


Good luck getting it under control! I do not look forward to perimenopause ... I figure we'll just about be getting me under control by that point, and it'll knock it all down again. :tongue_smilie:

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