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Teens and drama

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The other weird thing is what kind of company calls a friend of an employee asking where the guy is? I would think that was okay for a married couple.


I can see helping him with his schedule if he isn't used to that at all. But I don't think it's appropriate for the company to have your dd's contact information. I might even consider phoning them and telling them straight up that you do not have a family connection to the young gentleman in question. How did your dd feel about that phone call? Did she think it was okay?

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I was going to ask if the company he was working for was a "friend" situation. In that case, it does kind of make sense for them to check with her.


My oldest isn't too much of a drama queen, most of the time. Every so often she gets involved in some big drama with a friend (so far no boy drama thankfully) or classmates. So far, its always blown over fairly quickly and harmlessly although its extremely traumatic at the time. ;) Judging by some of her friends though, it is not at all uncommon for girls to be VERY tied up in their boyfriends lives - helping them schedule their work, homework, school; helping them to pick out what to wear (yes, I've seen it); helping them plan finances and for the future.

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