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History Curriculum that use SOTW 2 as spine


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We are happily using SOTW 2. However, I kind of feel like my guys needs more than just the coloring pages and mapping. They aren't hands on and we don't do the activities. What history curriculum's use SOTW? I know SL does, but it kind of overwhelms me...


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SL core 2 history books would work. The readers aren't yet incorporated into history so there are only a few books. You could see what your library has. Have you looked at the book list from the WTM? Any of those additions would work as would the books listed in the SOTW AG. When in doubt simply searching your library catalog might be helpful. I also use book lists TOG and WP. ;)

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I guess I should add that my children are 5th/6th grade levels. Will SL core 2 books be enough?


You could look at Core 6. If you get a SL catalog they actually list which "term" (1, 2, or 3) that each book is used in so you could see what's used in terms 2 and 3 and sit down with Amazon to see what books your dc might be interested in. I'm not suggesting you buy them all:tongue_smilie:, but amazon has peek insides and reviews and all sorts of stuff. Then, you hit rainbow resource or your local library or whatever and get what you think will work for your family.


Also, are you having your guys do some outlining or additional reading from the library? Even just reading from KFH w/o outlines and with timelines would step it up a notch.



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I thought that History Odyssey level 1 was only for up to 4th grade?


This is correct. From grades 5-8 History Odyssey Level 2 does NOT use SOTW as a spine. History Odyssey gives a very generous "try before you buy" so you can get a real feel for the program. It's basically the logic stage WTM recs written out for you with the author's preferred extras (book list and adding in The Story of Mankind by Van Loon).

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I am so torn right now. I like SL core 6/7, but it can be expensive and I'm not very good at tweaking. I would like to add more literature via living history to our study. I've also looked at BF Medieval, but it doesn't use SOTW either. Would it be confusing to use SOTW vol 2 along with BF? Should I start a different thread?


I am new here to the forum...



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SL Cores 6 and 7 would be more appropriate reading material. My DD is using 6, 7, and 100 for middle school. If you want a full curriculum the core curriculum is very good. SOTW 2 comes in 1/2 way through Core 6. If you aren't looking for a full curriculum choosing books from these lists might still be helpful.


I will say SL does have the 18 weeks you are able to try the material and return it if it doesn't work for you. You can read more about it on their site, they also have a payment plan option.


Good luck with your choices. :)

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Biblioplan is a schedule that does have SOTW as one of its resources. There are now "Cool History" pages that go with most of the guides and are based on the writings from SOTW. It also schedules many other resources and lots of great literature. BP does not schedule strictly in chronological order, but close - it's more by subject or culture.


BP also has maps and timelines and writing suggestions.


We love it!!

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