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OK, this isn't remotely homeschool oriented but I need to vent LONG, sorry

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I hate my job. Yes, I know. I'm very lucky to have a job period in this economy. I'm especially lucky to have a job that also allows me to homeschool my kids. I KNOW this. I still hate it.


Today has been very rough. We've got several new people who don't yet "fit" with the others in the company (we have about 30 employees) They don't understand how we work. They are also the boss' favorites right now because they are the "shinny new toy" and can apparently do no wrong.


One of these new people is asking for things from me sooner than I can get them done well. I know if I rush and do a half-a** job, the boss will be angry but the new person is angry because I won't rush.


I called to explain this to "shiny new toy #1" and she argued but accepted it. She apparently complained to boss because boss called me and we had a very, very difficult conversation about why I thought what I did. I both cried and cursed in the call. Not good....


We finally came to an agreement that will meet everyone's needs but, Oh my, was it painful.


My mom and boss are business partners who own this company. I'm doing the job my mom used to do and I will never live up to her standards. I constantly feel as though I'll never be good enough for boss. I'm supposed to inherit this company eventually. How the h*ll can I help run this company when I can't even do the small part that I'm responsible for now??????


I just want to curl up in a hole and hide for a decade or two....:sad:

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Get the book Crucial Conversations at your library (buy it if you can't borrow it.) You NEED to have a serious talk with your mom and your boss, without crying or cursing. This book helped me a LOT.


That's a great book - I second that recommendation...


My mom and boss are business partners who own this company. I'm doing the job my mom used to do and I will never live up to her standards. I constantly feel as though I'll never be good enough for boss. I'm supposed to inherit this company eventually. How the h*ll can I help run this company when I can't even do the small part that I'm responsible for now??????


Sounds like you've got a fantastic opportunity, although I hear that it doesn't feel that way right now...


Not sure if you're looking for advice or just needed to vent. If you just needed to vent, stop here. :)


If I were in your shoes (and I've BEEN in your shoes - worked full-time in some pretty high-stress positions for 18 years before becoming a SAHM last year), I would sit down with my manager and discuss the following:


- How does your manager define "success" for this position? Get him to state clearly what that success looks like for your position and what he expects from you - write it down and email it back to him after your meeting so you both have a permanent record. You may want to have your mom (as the business partner) look this over as well to ensure she's in agreement.

- What are the specific job performance objectives (i.e. what needs to get done on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis)? Do you have performance objectives for this role that you and your boss have agreed to? Discussing and documenting them can go a long way in both relieving your stress (you have a written plan and know what's expected - so if you're doing what's in that plan, you don't have to wonder whether your boss is happy with your work) and optimizing your performance for the company (because you're focusing on what everyone agrees is most important). I did this with my employees on a quarterly basis and then we met at least every two weeks to track progress, discuss issues, and tweak objectives as necessary. This will also come in handy if "Shiny New Toys" want to add to your plate - if it's not in the objectives, you simply bring the issue to your manager and ask him whether the latest request is worth reprioritizing other objectives for (basically the premise is that if someone else wants to add something to your plate, then something that is already there may need to be put on hold).


A question for you (and perhaps for later discussion with your manager/mom): do you have a Development Plan (i.e. a plan that will help you develop and get ready to take over the company some day)? This is a plan that you would write together with your boss and/or mom, that outlines specifically how you're going to get from "here" to "there" (skills you'll need to acquire, positions you'll need to work, etc.). It will also help make your manager/mom more aware of what you will need from them in order to get there - which may help with some of the issues and stress in the interim.


HTH and good luck! :)

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My mom and boss are business partners who own this company. I'm doing the job my mom used to do and I will never live up to her standards. I constantly feel as though I'll never be good enough for boss.


Well, you can't be accused of getting family favoritism! :grouphug:

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Thank you to everyone who responded. It really helps. I'm feeling better now. I went to dinner with dh and we discussed it. He works there too, so he gets it.


I've requested the book at the library and will definitely read it when it comes in.


A lot of the problem is that no, I don't really want to run the company. But, dh might. I want to stay involved in it because of the flexibility it provides. I doubt I could find another job that would allow me to continue homeschooling. I also benefit from my time there because at some point I will inherit the company. Even if I choose not to run it, I have to hire someone to do it. The knowledge I gain now will help.


It's mostly good for us as a family. Today was just a really bad day. I'm also probably over emotional due to serious health issue of both my sister and my MIL. I got overwhelmed today.


Thanks again for the support.




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