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Chores for 4 yr ds & 10 yr dd

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I need ideas (ok, just clean the house) on how you other moms dish out chore duties. And what do you have your kids do? Do you pay them a little allowance if they get them all done?


It just seems that when we started homeschooling my house has never been the same. Granted, 20 years from now the house won't matter compared to the fact that my children will be brilliant! Right?!? But for the time being, if you can shed some light on C H O R E S, I'd really appreciate it. :-)

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I can't help with your 10-yo, but here's what my 5-yo does:


- loads and empties dishwasher

- hangs up her shirts and DS's, puts their clothes in the proper drawers

- helps me fold clothes

- makes her bed

- picks up toys

- dusting

- feed and water pets

- takes clothes out of dryer


And my 3-year old:


- makes bed

- sweeps and mops under the table

- clears table after meals...carrying plates etc. to sink

- puts up socks and underwear for family

- waters plants

- picks up toys

- puts clothes from washer into dryer


We don't pay for chores. Our view is that there are certain benefits to being part of a family, as well as certain obligations. One of those obligations is contributing to the running of the household.

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I don't pay.


10 yo dd clears the table after supper and frequently sets it, too.

Cleans her room, changes and makes her bed.

Dusts the main floor rooms when asked.

Can mop the K floor, but I usually do that.

Runs items up and down the stairs for me.

Feeds pets.

Throws her clothes down for me to wash, then folds them and puts them away.

Cleans the half bath downstairs.

Scoops the cat box.

Takes trash out around the house. (I occasionally give her a quarter to take her brother's out, since it's usually rather gross and all over his floor...)


When she was four, she cleared her own place at supper, made her bed, folded the small towels and washcloths and occasionally the big towels, and swept. She also put things away for us.

Edited by Chris in VA
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these are the daily chores. no allowance given for them.


10 year old daughter:

make bed

feed cats

clean cat litterboxes

feed rabbits

clean rabbit litterboxes

feed/water finches

fold laundry and put it for the proper person (she puts her own away and all of the towels/cleaning rags)

clean up her own food dishes after meals/snacks and rinse her brothers as well(he cannot reach yet).

grooming and care of the cats


5 year old son:

empty all garbage cans into the big can daily.

make bed

help feed gerbils

collect paper towel tubes from other families for the gerbils and give them to the gerbils.

putting away his own laundry that his sister folded for him.

set the table

put the food bowl down for 1 of the dogs


now family chores change week to week with no real reason as to who gets them. Mainly these are the chores that I might not have gotten to and ask them for extra help:

sometimes they both are asked to clean up dog poop in the yard.

weed the garden


sweep the floors

help with washing/drying the dishes(no dishwasher)


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I need ideas (ok, just clean the house) on how you other moms dish out chore duties. And what do you have your kids do? Do you pay them a little allowance if they get them all done?


It just seems that when we started homeschooling my house has never been the same. Granted, 20 years from now the house won't matter compared to the fact that my children will be brilliant! Right?!? But for the time being, if you can shed some light on C H O R E S, I'd really appreciate it. :-)


Here are chores I give my dd who turns 11 next month:



Makes her bed everyday

Keeps her room tidy (not so it does NOT look lived in....I want her to be the beautiful child and girl she is and that means having some things in disarray)...I do want her room to look "lived in", but organized and tidy.


Once a week:

Grooms cat and dog (although she's been slack on this)


Twice a week:

Empty dishwasher



Clean the bathtub

Empty trash her bathroom

Sweep floor

Mop kitchen floor


Today she dusted the living room for company tomorrow. We do not dust everyday.

Today she also sorted and folded whites from the laundry.


She can make her own lunch of sandwich, fruit, raw veggies, etc.

She is excellent at making fruit crepes for breakfast on a given Sat.


Maybe there are things I'm forgetting. All in all she has at LEAST ONE chore a day. Some days are just off days for us and it's all we can do to do one chore. But, 99 % of the time there's ALWAYS something to do, hence she will normally have an average of 4 chores a day....sometimes less and sometimes more.


HTH. Sheryl <><

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Dd 10 :


Make bed

Bring all upstairs laundry down to laundry room 3 times per week

Unload dishwasher

Fold and put away dishtowels, bath towels and cloth napkins

Put away her laundry

Clear table after each meal

Sweep upstairs bathroom floor

Empty wastebaskets in schoolroom and master bedroom


Ds 6


Make bed

Empty bathroom wastebaskets

Change bathroom handtowels daily

Fold and put away cloth diapers

Set table before each meal

Empty living room wastebasket

Put away his laundry


Oh, and we don't pay for chores.

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No allowance...they receive privileges instead. Horseback riding lessons, cooking camps, friends over, pizza night, game night, getting to keep their laptops in their rooms, etc.




make bed, tidy room, load dishwasher\wash dishes after every meal, walk dog in pm, watch baby while I hs dd7 (about 1 hour), responsible for baby as needed. (diapers, baths, occasionally feeding)


clean 3 bathrooms, fold and\or hang her own laundry.




make bed, tidy room, help prepare meals and feed younger siblings if needed, clear table after dinner, walk dog in am, watch baby while I hs dd7 (another hour), wash and dry one load of laundry each day, fold and put away her own laundry, responsible for ds3 as needed.


dust all rooms upstairs including baseboards and blinds, vacuum all rooms.




make bed, tidy room, empty dishwasher in am, set table for all meals, feed\water dog, clean up babies toys in living room.


wipe down dining room table and chairs, dust living room including baseboards and blinds, tidy garage toy and craft areas, entertain baby while I do my cleaning, fold and put away her laundry.

dd3 (almost 4)


make bed, tidy room, tidy hallway (for some reason he likes to play there), occasionally help with dishwasher, helps set table, odds and ends things I can find for him to help with.


windex coffee table and end tables, windex back door window, put away own laundry, fold and put away mom's and dad's socks, go through house with a Mr. Clean eraser and wipes marks off of doors and walls, uses the flyswatter to get toys out from under the tv cabinet, couch and hutch in dining room.


My dc also have a box of index cards with special chores and $ amounts written on them. Things such as washing the inside and outside of the van, cleaning the ceiling fans, cleaning out and washing the inside of the fridge or pantry, hosing off the front and back porch, etc. When they want to buy something they have to choose a chore from the box and complete it then they are paid. I have chores appropriate for the 7 and 3 yr. old also.

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We always do chores in the morning, before school. Dd (ten-years-old) starts w/letting out the dogs, feeding her cat, opening the window blinds, cleaning the litter, folding laundry, helping me hang laundry on the line, making her bed, and straightening out her room.


This summer we are trying to figure out some chores to give her to earn a little money, for camp movies, and skating. My thoughts have always been that as a family we work together, and one does not get paid to be apart of the family.


However, I think that we need to revise this for the summer. So that dd learns what it means to earn money, to pay for special (extra) things. Dh and I are planning on keep the core chores (family chores) as being a contributing member of the family. But, we will implement other jobs that dd can earn money. She is excited, and already volunteers at the little day-care at our local YMCA. Now the hard part is deciding what she can do. I never want dd to equivocate money w/family. I've seen this happen to several friends.


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Let's keep this going...I've gotten some really great ideas.


Doing chores BEFORE school! Maybe they wouldn't seem like such a drag then.


Giving that little bugger some chores too! He can do stuff, just because he's 4, doesn't mean I have to follow him around picking up after him...


This is great! Any more chore ideas?


Does anyone use a Chore Chart? :thumbup:

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