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Irish twins while nursing?

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One of my friends had two kids eleven months apart and she not only exclusively bfed, but she was also naturally very skinny and into eating natural foods and that kind of thing. Her abusive husband was not pleased and forced her to have a sterilization after that child was born.



I would never recommend anyone use BF as a method of bc since it isn't reliable at all.

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I had never met anyone else with kids 10 months apart. 11, yes. But not 10. My dad is 10 months younger than his brother. It's weird. For two months of the year, they have the same age. They were technically in the same school year, but the brothers who ran the school held my dad back one year. It was ok though, because he ended up being among the oldest of his class instead of the youngest.


A friend adopted two girls from the same mother that were 8 months apart. She became pregnant immediately after delivering and the second baby was VERY premature.

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My SIL had two 13 months apart. She told my brother to stop looking at her! :)


I met a family where the older girl was significantly smaller than the younger girl. The mom explained to me that she didn't know she was pregnant with younger child while nursing older child. This was a long time ago and it took months for anyone to realize she was pregnant. By then, the older child was irreversibly undernourished. Those two were barely 10 months apart. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it....

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Has anyone heard of someone getting pregnant in the first few months while exclusively breastfeeding? My grammy had two sets of Irish twins, but she bottle fed. I always thought this was nearly impossible, but I'm feeling a little curious about this this week.


I got pregnant with #6 while I was strictly breastfeeding my 3 month old twins. I never had a period, just went from pregnancy to pregnancy. They (all three) were a hair shy (10 days) of being born in one year.


I was NOT a happy camper then, but it was worth it.

Edited by justamouse
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