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Please suggest novels with a positive message for an 8th grade boy.

ereks mom

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I'm trying to put together a reading list for my nephew. His mom (my SIL) has had a lot of health issues this past year, and has asked me to do this. The boy enjoys stories about animals, sports, and some sci-fi/fantasy. He reads and comprehends on or slightly above grade level. They are conservative Christians and would prefer that the books on his reading list not have foul language or mature themes, but instead, present a positive message such as overcoming adversity, becoming a hero, growing spiritually, etc.

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I'm trying to put together a reading list for my nephew. His mom (my SIL) has had a lot of health issues this past year, and has asked me to do this. The boy enjoys stories about animals, sports, and some sci-fi/fantasy. He reads and comprehends on or slightly above grade level. They are conservative Christians and would prefer that the books on his reading list not have foul language or mature themes, but instead, present a positive message such as overcoming adversity, becoming a hero, growing spiritually, etc.


If they do not mind Greek mythology, we've really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series. (Riordan) We consider ourselves conservative Christians, but have no problem with mythology as ds is old enough (14) and solid enough in his faith to understand that the myths are no more real than the Easter bunny. :)


Ds also recently read "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." (Twain) He really enjoyed it.


The Horation Hornblower books (and movies!!) are always a favorite.





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Lamplighter books are wonderful. A couple that come to mind are:






http://www.lamplighterpublishing.com/prodinfo.asp?number=RCSMATMP (we really enjoyed this one - great lessons)


Their website has books organized by character traits as well. You might want to peruse and see what jumps out at you.







I'm trying to put together a reading list for my nephew. His mom (my SIL) has had a lot of health issues this past year, and has asked me to do this. The boy enjoys stories about animals, sports, and some sci-fi/fantasy. He reads and comprehends on or slightly above grade level. They are conservative Christians and would prefer that the books on his reading list not have foul language or mature themes, but instead, present a positive message such as overcoming adversity, becoming a hero, growing spiritually, etc.
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(Keep in mind the criteria: positive message, no foul language, involving animals, sports, or sci-fi/fantasy and themes such as overcoming adversity, becoming a hero, maturing spiritually, etc.)


On the Devil's Court by Carl Deuker

Joust by Mercedes Lackey

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

No More Dead Dogs by Gordon Korman

The Chronicles of Prydain (series) by Lloyd Alexander

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(Keep in mind the criteria: positive message, no foul language, involving animals, sports, or sci-fi/fantasy and themes such as overcoming adversity, becoming a hero, maturing spiritually, etc.)


On the Devil's Court by Carl Deuker

Joust by Mercedes Lackey

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

No More Dead Dogs by Gordon Korman

The Chronicles of Prydain (series) by Lloyd Alexander



Loved, loved, loved the Chronicles of Prydain. Great themes of normal, average people being able to do heroic things by being true to themselves and their friends/families and by just doing the right thing (ie honesty, choosing good over evil, etc)


Haven't heard of any of the others.

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I'd second the Lloyd Alexander books. Easy reading for and 8th grader.


Faves here would include:

The Lord of the Rings

Treasure Island

The Jungle Book

anything by Rosemary Sutcliffe (superb historical fiction)

YWAM publishes a series of great, readable biographies

White Fang and The Call of the Wild

The 100 Cupboards (and sequels) by N.D. Wilson

novels by R. M. Ballantyne

novels by G. H. Henty

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My teenage sons favorites are the God King and the Hittitte Warrior by Joanne Williamson. Both are historical fiction (set in Bible times) and extremely well written.

If he is a good reader there is also the Henty series. My kids and I only read the Cat of Bubastes (it was GREAT) but a number of families I know with boys read many more.

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Irish Red

Outlaw Red all great boy and dog stories by Jim Kjelgaard


The Once And Future King by T. H. White - a great telling of King Arthur

Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green

Dangerous Journey - a retelling of Pilgrim's Progress


I'd second the Joanne Williamson recommendation. Loved Hittite Warrior.

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