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Preliminary Test Results

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As many of you know, I've traveled to St. Louis to consult a Dr. about my chronic illness. Preliminary testing was done today. This is the second Dr. who has done a complete double take at my adrenal levels. They can't believe that I can still be walking around with levels so low! (It makes me feel better each time to see proof that I really have a good reason to be this tired and am not secretly lazy).


I came out super high on tests for parasites. Once I am home from vacation I will be starting some pretty high powered medicines to rid me of them. I've been warned that I may feel pretty sick during the process.


I am also showing signs of gallbladder problems. This was not a surprise to me since I cannot eat fried foods without bad tummy problems. (Not that I would or should eat fried foods anyway!)


The Dr. normally does some other testing for heavy metals etc. but did not feel that I was healthy enough to do this. They did clip some of my hair to test that in a non-invasive way. I am really relieved not to do the chelation test for heavy metal toxicity because any de-tox stuff I've done in the past has been really bad news for me. I hadn't even shared my concern with the Dr. so I was nicely surprised when he told me that he had that same concern for me.


They also took blood to test for allergies.


The heavy metal and allergy tests will come in a few weeks.


Tomorrow we get to visit what looks like a really neat science museum! And then we see a friend, before heading off to see my family for a week.

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I'm so glad you are getting more info, and it sounds like you are feeling pretty good about the drs. Have you never been tested for parasites before by your regular doctors? That seems to be such a commonly undetected culprit for so many ailments and illnesses. Are they going to be able to determine which kinds?

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I'm so glad you are getting more info, and it sounds like you are feeling pretty good about the drs. Have you never been tested for parasites before by your regular doctors? That seems to be such a commonly undetected culprit for so many ailments and illnesses. Are they going to be able to determine which kinds?


What kind of parasites? How do they test for that?


I too, would like some information on this whole parasite testing thing. I had never heard of that till Jean mentioned her dh had been tested for them.


The problem with parasite testing is that it is wildly inaccurate due to the life-cycle of most parasites. You don't find them in every sample (you don't need me to spell out what kind of sample, do you?:ack2:) because you don't necessarily eliminate them every time. And they go through a life cycle much like insects - eggs, larva, adults or something like that. So if you test at a time in their life cycle when they are hiding somewhere where they won't be shed, then tough luck. So actual testing for parasites can be really expensive and a royal pain because you might need to keep testing over and over through out the month. What normally happens though is that a Dr. might order a test, the test comes back and he say's "it's negative" when it really isn't.


So - I did not get actual lab testing. I did get tested through a machine that tests your accupuncture points and that set off all sorts of bells and whistles when the parasite place was pushed. He also did an extensive diagnostic questionnaire which fairly screamed out "Parasites!" So we are taking the medicine partly on faith because it is cheaper and simpler to do so. Also - if you don't have parasites it doesn't harm you to take the medicine and I wouldn't feel sick and have side effects if I wasn't actually getting rid of them.

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Jean, your adrenals being healed/supplemented should really make a marked improvement very soon. I am glad to hear that you are getting some answers.:grouphug:


I was already taking a number of supplements for my adrenals. What this Dr. is trying to do right now is to find out what is stressing and depleting my adrenal glands to begin with. He told me to continue taking the adrenal stuff, though.

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So we are taking the medicine partly on faith because it is cheaper and simpler to do so. Also - if you don't have parasites it doesn't harm you to take the medicine and I wouldn't feel sick and have side effects if I wasn't actually getting rid of them.
I have started realizing that most tests and diagnoses from traditional Medical Doctors are not all that accurate.;) My mom said "well you would only know for sure if a doctor diagnosed him with a concussion". My reply was "not really, they would look at the symptoms and give their best guess the same as we are doing (and our friend with EMT training)".


What this Dr. is trying to do right now is to find out what is stressing and depleting my adrenal glands to begin with.
Isn't it great that Natural Doctors actually look for the cause?
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So - I did not get actual lab testing. I did get tested through a machine that tests your accupuncture points and that set off all sorts of bells and whistles when the parasite place was pushed. He also did an extensive diagnostic questionnaire which fairly screamed out "Parasites!" So we are taking the medicine partly on faith because it is cheaper and simpler to do so. Also - if you don't have parasites it doesn't harm you to take the medicine and I wouldn't feel sick and have side effects if I wasn't actually getting rid of them.


No offence intended at all and everyone needs to make their own health decisions, but in my opinion, this is a scam. It makes no scientific sense what so ever and the acuracy of this "test" can not be proven scientifically. JMO. Sorry.

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Katemary, I know many people who have gotten this scan and did not turn up with parasites. I am one of them. :) It makes sense with EASTERN MEDICINE, (which makes very little sense in general ;)) so of course it makes no sense to you. I have had this screening several times, and the way Jean described it actually sounds iffy, lol. It is hard to convey these things in a quick forum post.


Electrodermal screening (formally known as Electroaccupuncture according to Voll) has had studies back up its accuracy, and I have numerous experiences of friends who have had reliable results (they were diagnosed by Medical Doctors as well).

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No offence intended at all and everyone needs to make their own health decisions, but in my opinion, this is a scam. It makes no scientific sense what so ever and the acuracy of this "test" can not be proven scientifically. JMO. Sorry.




I don't understand it scientifically either. And if this Dr. had not really helped my dh who is an RN, I would not have gone to him. But his diagnoses have not been out of left field. I already knew (from "scientifically recognized" saliva testing) that my adrenals are toast. I also had a strong suspicion (due to the kind of symptom diagnosis would you find from a regular Dr.) that parasites were probably involved. So in my mind, this other test just confirmed what I already basically knew. And it gave me access to the medicine that I already knew that I needed - from a Dr. who is able to determine the correct dosage for me.

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