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I learned something totally new to me tonight...about wild turkeys

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They fly. I have lived here all my life and have seen enough wild turkeys roaming around forever, for pete's sake. I had NO idea they flew! We were driving home from MIL's tonight and dh pointed out about 8 of them high up in a leafless tree - they were HUGE. I'm speechless. My kids made fun of me - apparently they knew, but somehow I didn't :confused:.


I feel totally stupid. I mean, I'm sure I'll get over it because it's certainly not the first time I've been astonished at my own stupidity, but, geeze.


So, FYI, in case I'm not the last one in the world to find this out.


Any new knowledge make you feel stupid lately? (Please? Make me feel better...)

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They DO fly! And they can be aggressive, too!


My uncle talks about Wild Turkeys being about as smart as domestic turkeys are dumb!


Let me put this next story in context: he is not a bleeding heart environmental liberal (as I am).


Uncle Scott told about how one yuppy community out East re-introduced a wild turkey population to their area as an "environmental move." The problem was that then the wild turkeys would chase the yuppies as they went jogging on the nature/walking paths throughout town! :w00t:


At this point, Uncle Scott has a dilemma: does he root for the turkeys or for the yuppies????:lol:

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I housesat once for this family that had chickens. Part of my job was to collect eggs and put out some food. No problem. But when I went out at night, I could not find the chickens! I hunted all over the coop and the yard and the neighborhood. . . Finally I called the woman I was housesitting for. She said, have you looked on their roosts? Sure enough - they were right there. It was dark in the coop and the roosts were up a bit. I just did not see them! Who knew that chickens would all bunch up like that up high in their coop!

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I was also shocked when I found out they flew. They're SO large that I just had no idea. I went outside to take pictures of about 30 of them at my bird feeder :D and they flew over our house. A month or so ago, dd and I were walking when I heard this LARGE rustle in the trees. About 8 turkeys flew out! It was AMAZING to watch.


Don't feel stupid!!!

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They can also run really fast and according to my brother (the turkey hunter) they are hard to shoot.


Yes, they can run about 25 mph or so in front of a mini-van--until they finally get off the road. :D


I am a country girl, and have known they can fly, but was surprised to learn how much they don't like to...


ETA: Tell your brother to try running them down on the road. I almost got one! :lol:

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Well I must be doubly stupid LOL....I didn't know turkeys could fly or that Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth stood for Bible LOL.


:lol: Me neither!


LOL I don't think either of you gals are stupid at all!! The reason I brought it up about myself was because I have known (and sung) this particular song for YEARS and didn't connect it. So when I heard someone spell it out the other day (in Bible study no less) I had a total "duh" moment! lol :lol:

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