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Is this true about the healthcare bill?

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Verizon employees received a memo that their healthcare premiums are going up short-term and they should expect to pay a 40% excise tax...


A number of companies have recently adjusted their statements to reflect the new legislation and the fact that they have to start putting money toward this. Several are making changes to their existing health insurance benefits policies.


And a number have announced that they are putting hiring on freeze for the near term at least.


Congress is expressing annoyance at this and wants to have hearings.


What did they expect would happen?

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Congress is expressing annoyance at this and wants to have hearings. What did they expect would happen?


I hope that it's because they sincerely believed that costs will be lower, so even if some costs increase, others will decrease -- so they don't need to change anything?


Then, there's my cynical side...:D

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A federal takeover of student loans was included in the reconciliation package. The reason, supposedly, is that cutting out the private-lender middlemen will save money. (The supposed savings were necessary to make it appear as thought the reconciliation package wouldn't raise the deficit, I believe.) As explained in the WSJ:




No bid service contracts, sounds great :glare:. There are plenty of news articles to google if you're interested in further info.


So this will only effect new student loans? Not ones already made? This is the first I have heard of this and it was on all day last Sunday with three people actively watching the whole mess. How in the world did we miss this?

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Absolutely. However, I have given proof and reason for my opinion. Others have offered similar proof.


Do you have proof of any kind that Republicans currently in office could have been persuaded to vote for a bill of this kind, which was a major part of the platform Obama ran on?


Sadly I have a feeling (that's logical..right?? :tongue_smilie:) that they may have if the people (Tea Party movement etc.) hadn't spoken up as strongly as they did. The mistake President Obama and Pelosi made was ramming it down everyones throats.



Especially given the political climate of extremism and frenzy which they are currently fostering?


Wait I thought everyone is saying Fox news is doing this...?

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Sadly I have a feeling (that's logical..right?? :tongue_smilie:) that they may have if the people (Tea Party movement etc.) hadn't spoken up as strongly as they did. The mistake President Obama and Pelosi made was ramming it down everyones throats.


It was a part of every single major presidential campaign. The Republicans had healthcare plans and the Democrats had healthcare plans. What did they think was going to happen?


I agreed with the ramming. It has to be done. If it was McCain up there ramming a healthcare plan down our throats I would be "You go creepy McCain!" and he did have a healthcare plan.

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You and me both. Now anyone who disagrees or goes to a rally is a domestic terrorist. Give me a break.


All one has to do is google various phrases and there's plenty of evidence of the vilification of Bush and other conservatives. A couple years ago, I remember seeing a series of posters and images that were vile.


Most of the people on either side are not extreme, violent or ugly. But it goes both ways, there are whack-os on both sides. To ignore that is just ... well, it would be just like being a member of the mainstream media! :lol:


Remember when dissent was the "highest form of patriotism?" :001_rolleyes:

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A federal takeover of student loans was included in the reconciliation package. The reason, supposedly, is that cutting out the private-lender middlemen will save money. (The supposed savings were necessary to make it appear as thought the reconciliation package wouldn't raise the deficit, I believe.) As explained in the WSJ:





Absolutely not, the savings from the taking over of the student loan program is not included in the CBO's estimate of savings. another piece of misinformation. It was a matter of the privatization of a previously public program costing more then it previously cost the government to do, imagine that the government can do something! If you want to see privatization of profit and socializing cost come down to Florida and see what Jeb has done.


I'm sorry for the tone of this post but I'm seeing folks grasping at straws now for reasons to demonize the folks that passed a bill that was debated longer then any bill in my memory banks.

Edited by monk17
Tone it down
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Um. You would be wrong on that.


Wiki -Tea Party protests.


THEN if you go to wiki and search the term tea bagging (Which is NSFW) way down at the bottom you have this:


It was actually first used in it's current political context in December '07: http://mysite.verizon.net/nathanielyao/index.html. Many people did not become aware of it until the Rick Santorelli incedent and most media sources still have that incorrectly listed as the inception of current Tea Party movement. However, I was, personally, actively involved in the movement in '07 so I can say with confidence that I know it was being used before the incident you sourced.

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