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Hermit Crab care?

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Mine keep dying! 2 have died in a month. :confused: What am I doing wrong? I have both sand and that coconut fiber in their cage. The humidity level is always above 80%, I have a heating pad to keep the temp high enough. I change their water daily (distilled and salt) no tap water. Change their food daily, give them fresh fruit and veggies. Why are they dying?! DH suggests maybe I am irritating them to death with too much love and care..... ;)

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Maybe he's right.....I have to admit we were pretty neglectful of ours and they lived for 3 years!!! It was unintentional neglect...I would just forget to give water for a day (or two!), rarely changed the sand, etc. I mean, they don't really DO anything or make any noise so I would forget we even had them...so bad, I know:blushing:

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I agree that you are doing everything right.


Since the crabs are wild caught, they undergo tremendous stress from being caught, shipped to the store, stored in the store, then being bought and having to acclimate to yet another 'home'. Stress kills them.


That said, if you are willing to keep trying, I'd go for it. Our first foray into hermit crab territory was sad... the little guy died within the day, but his buddy did well. The replacement crab lived over 2 1/2 years, and the original 'buddy' is still here.... three years later.


Good luck--- they are cute little things! Ours love(d) salmon, so when we would have some for dinner, we would give them a little.... they would grab it with their under tummy legs and RUN all lopsided to their individual hideaways. Now that we only have one, he seems to know it, and just leaves his salmon in the bowl. I feel bad that he's alone, but I don't want to get another....

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Are you sure they are dead...and, not just molted?


How many do you have and how big is your tank? How deep is your substrate?


Are they dying "from natual causes"...or, are they being attacked by the other crabs...maybe for their shells? Also, crabs will go after another crab that is molting.


Just some questions that came to mind...


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hmm ... only thing that jumps out to me is ... salt?

most hermies need FRESH water ... not salt water...even the ones that need salt water need fresh water too!


other then that ... sounds good, I will say mine also seem to do better with less care ...


If your using the dry food from the pet store it doesn't need changed... just the fresh stuff (mine get fresh bits in a separate dish thats removed within 12-18 hrs)


Also a weekly (or so) "bath" in barely warm (not hot!) water with some stress coat (fish care) stuff in it is good for them.


Here is my fav site about them :





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How deep is your sand/fiber? It should be at least 3" (or 3x the height of the biggest crab) If they busy themselves - do you dig them up (which can stress them) or stir the sand (which can close off their 'air tunnels' and suffocate them)


I also agree with a previous poster though - are you sure they are really dead? (They often can LOOK dead when they are molting, but the [truly] dead ones smell horrible. :tongue_smilie:)


Do you see any mites in the cage? (About the size of the head of a pin)

I also recommend bathing the crabs weekly (unless they are buried)

And if you do have mites the tank needs to be sterilized.


Otherwise it sounds like you are doing everything right. (Maybe try getting them from a different store?

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Keeping things too moist without enough air circulation can cause mold on the sand that will kill quickly. We had that happen with one. Maybe you should try a different substrate. I had one for a couple of years in a cage with paper towels, (before helpful information was available on the internet). They like to climb also, so maybe give him a safe branch (fruit tree wood is safe).:hat:

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