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The Triple Bind is a scary, scary book.

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What's even worse is that even I am not immune to the pressures. I should have a model's body even though I am nearly 40 and have had seven children, including twins that weighed a combined 15 lbs. at birth. I feel disgusting and fat every single darn day.

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I got it because you all recommended it the other day. Wow!


Looks like I have another book to add to my list.

You know what's funny - I have a 1985 copy of Playboy - it was $2 at a yard sale and I bought it YEARS ago because Madonna is in it. (Her very beautiful B&W pics that were done before she was famous).


Madonna didn't shave her pits - her legs - anything. She has that Italian hair on her stomach even.

She looks real. I love these pictures.

The other models in the mag and the centerfold - they at least only shaved pits and legs. Now fast forward to 2010 and we're supposed to believe that we've evolved into hairless creatures!!!! I bet that by now Madonna has care removing specialists!!!


There was a time when all women in the magazine had real boobs.

And they had big butts - and not all rock hard either.

And they had soft, round bellies.

It makes me think that the backlash to our earning more money and workforce acceptance and the right to vote was the mutilation of the very aspects of our physical femininity.


I think the backlash SUCKS.

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  • 1 year later...

Great post. I would hold on to that mag, for discussions with teen daughters.


Looks like I have another book to add to my list.

You know what's funny - I have a 1985 copy of Playboy - it was $2 at a yard sale and I bought it YEARS ago because Madonna is in it. (Her very beautiful B&W pics that were done before she was famous).


Madonna didn't shave her pits - her legs - anything. She has that Italian hair on her stomach even.

She looks real. I love these pictures.

The other models in the mag and the centerfold - they at least only shaved pits and legs. Now fast forward to 2010 and we're supposed to believe that we've evolved into hairless creatures!!!! I bet that by now Madonna has care removing specialists!!!


There was a time when all women in the magazine had real boobs.

And they had big butts - and not all rock hard either.

And they had soft, round bellies.

It makes me think that the backlash to our earning more money and workforce acceptance and the right to vote was the mutilation of the very aspects of our physical femininity.


I think the backlash SUCKS.

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