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Any Home schoolers in NY here???

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Looking for NY people. Im new and will be starting home schooling my daughter in Sept. this year at the 5th grade level.


Looking for others in NY. Wondering how you keep your records , grades and what your plans for the district look like??



Thanks :)


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Check HSLDA's website for a link to the NY state laws, but here's a quick summary of what you'll have to do:


1) Letter of intent, due by July 1 each year

2) Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) each year

3) Quarter reports summarizing the student's progress

4) Annual progress report- standardized test scores every other year grades 5-8, then every year


There are plenty of NY hsers on this board, many of whom have far more experience than I do. I think you'll find answers to just about any question you could ask here!



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Thanks and Hi everyone!

I am upstate NY near Cooperstown ( Home of Baseball!)

I have read over the laws and understand I am to :


Send my letter of Intent, followed by the IHIP and Quarterly reports.

Annual progress report.

Standardized test scores


my question is , Im wondering how everyone in NY keeps track of grades?

Does any one have sample IHIP?? Just wondering how it needs to be written and what should be included

and the same for the quarter reports and annual report?


Also I know it says standardized tests every other year. How do I find out more about the tests and requirements and which tests need to be taken etc?? ? when to start if shes entering into 5th grade in the fall. Has been in Public school K-4th

Does she need to go somewhere to take the tests? or can I give them to her?


Thanks so much ! :)


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I find send in the minimum required. Make a list of classes and assign a grade or above average, satisfactory, type grades. I like the PASS test by Hewitt. You can give it at home. You can test every year and not do an annual report. I-HIP, I write down the course and main books I'm using. For the quarterly reports I again write down the books I'm using and if there has been a change. Many people write down the page number. All this info goes to the Superintendent of Schools. Don't get crazy about hours. Be sure you give her the required but this isn't a problem. Every minute doesn't have to be when you are sitting at the table working together. Schooling is most of your life. :)

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One of the members here is in NYC. She has a great blog with samples of all the required paperwork.




I also use the PASS test from Hewitt. 5th grade is the first year I test to fulfill the every other year requirement.


If you have specific questions when you get ready to work on it, PM me and I will walk you through it. I have been at it for 12 years and have dealt with easy districts and hard districts, it helps to have someone hold your hand the first time through.



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