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Christian College Stats


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I was bored this morning and noticed old Christian College threads on College Confidential getting brought back to life. So, I updated them for those of us who might be interested in Christian colleges. I know it took me forever to try to find places when I started looking.


There's no reason that info can't be here too, is there? I look at this board far more often. Here's the list:


Here's an updated list of several Protestant Christian colleges and universities. Scores are accurate as of this writing (as per collegeboard). This says nothing about whether schools are liberal, moderate, or conservative in their Christian beliefs.


This is based on academic challenge only (as per SAT/ACT stats of students) in order from most challenging to least (some of them can swap a place or two pending which stats appeal to a student more):



Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26 - 31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)



I'm sure I've missed some - feel free to add here. Please do it by cutting and pasting (inserting newer ones where they belong).


Note to all - scores are not everything. There are many other things to consider about a Christian college (major, size, location, "flavor" of Christian teaching, etc), but this can be a list to start from for those of us interested in them. For me, I compiled a list, then looked at my son's SAT/ACT scores to try to find an academic fit, then looked at major, etc, to find his final choice. My son could have been at the top of this list (score wise), but those weren't the best fit for him (nor us economically). This list is merely a place to start looking for those interested.

Edited by creekland
Adding some...
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This is a great list! I'm trying to figure out what "CR", "M", and "WR" mean.


Also, I'd like to add that some colleges have different score requirements for different majors. My first dd's math score was low and it would have not allowed her to get into an engineering program, but her high verbal score had the English department welcoming her with open arms.


It's interesting to see dd's college lined up with the others. We didn't do a lot of searching because Cedarville was close and a great fit for my 2 dd's. My 2nd dd will start in the fall.


Now that I have 2 girls headed to college I get questions all the time about different Christian schools. It's good to know I can point people to this board for the info you compiled.


Thanks for the post.



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This is a great list! I'm trying to figure out what "CR", "M", and "WR" mean.


Now that I have 2 girls headed to college I get questions all the time about different Christian schools. It's good to know I can point people to this board for the info you compiled.




CR is Critical Reading

M is Math

WR is Writing


All scores from the SAT test as per collegeboard's stats.


And, like you, we get quite a few questions now, so I thought compiling a list was the easiest thing to do - and share.


I'm finding myself doing the same thing with secular schools for my middle son now. Secular only because he wants science research and the level which Christian colleges offer this is simply not the same - though we'll be comparing a few anyway so he can decide which fit is best for him.

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Thanks! This also serves as a very nice list of Christian colleges. I have a son who's applying as a transfer to Grove City (they still look at SAT's and high school grades in addition to college GPA; most schools look at transfer student's college GPA only). I have another son who's a junior and we're starting the search process now.

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This may be a really dumb question, but...if your student meets or exceeds the SAT stats, has great high school and college grades (college 'cause my son's a transfer), to what extent does this assure an acceptance?:001_huh:




I don't know the answer to this question for Christian colleges specifically, but I think that the general answer is that you have to look at the school's overall acceptance rate.


If the school accepts 70% of applicants and your child's scores are at/above the 75%ile and he/she has good grades, I would expect that he/she would almost definitely be accepted. There are probably some exceptions in cases like this, but I think they would be few in number.


At the opposite extreme are the super competitive schools, like the Ivies, where the overall acceptance rate can be as low as 10%. In cases like these, many, many students with above average scores and grades are rejected simply because they have so many strong applicants.


The college board stats also include the % of students admitted, so you could look for that number on specific schools on their site.




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Also, while stats are helpful, I still think it goes back to a *perfect fit*. My dd's test scores are considerably higher than the average for her choice school. But, it became a non-issue for us. The benefit of getting the program she wanted and ESPECIALLY after meeting her teacher, buttoned it up for us.

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Also, while stats are helpful, I still think it goes back to a *perfect fit*. My dd's test scores are considerably higher than the average for her choice school. But, it became a non-issue for us. The benefit of getting the program she wanted and ESPECIALLY after meeting her teacher, buttoned it up for us.


I would also think in a program like Music or Art (probably a few others), the stats are less important than other measures like the specific program... but I'm sure your dd having great scores didn't hurt one bit - esp for merit aid!

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I would also think in a program like Music or Art (probably a few others), the stats are less important than other measures like the specific program... but I'm sure your dd having great scores didn't hurt one bit - esp for merit aid!



Very true. The audition is quite important, but YES! The merit aid has been wonderful!!

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Thank you so much. My son is looking to a Christian college for pre-med programs and my list was very short. ;)


One tidbit I gleaned when thinking about pre-med for middle son is to ask what their percentage acceptance into med school is. Med schools tend to know the quality of the pre-meds from various places. I don't have all those stats. I know at Covenant the rate is 85% (heard it at scholarship weekend), but I have no idea how many apply. I would think the number applying would be important too.

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Thanks for posting these Creekland! My current senior did not apply to any Christian colleges, but they may well be in the mix for dd1 or ds2 in the next few years.




Glad to help! I know I wished I could find such a list about a year ago... I'm sure there are more people can add.

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By request, I added 3 (Harding U, Eastern Mennonite U, and Wisconsin Lutheran). Interestingly enough, Wisconsin Lutheran is the only school I've found so far that just has the ACT!


One should note that if these schools had been arranged by ACT only, some positions would swap. It goes to show that this isn't necessarily an order of excellence. Many schools that are near each other are probably interchangeable. Look to specifics for decisions. Use this list (if wanted) to get some names and general idea of academic excellence. (Art, Music, and Sports should use the list for names only.)

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I suggest adding another: Hillsdale College in MI. Though listed as non-sectarian, it is far more Christian that many of the schools you list. Here are their stats:


Reading Middle 50%: 640 - 720

Math Middle 50%: 570 - 660

Writing Middle 50%: 610 - 690


ACT Middle 50%: 25 - 30

Math Middle 50%: 24 - 30

English Middle 50%: 25 - 32

Average HS GPA: 3.72


I agree that Hillsdale has a lot of Christians in it and is conservative (moreso than some Christian colleges, but remember, some folks like liberal Christian), but without it identifying itself as Christian I hate to add it to the list. I think it's good that you put it in the thread for people to consider though! ;) I don't know much about it personally, but I've heard over and over that it is a really good school. Its academic stats are definitely impressive. I'd consider the school if I had the right student for it.


And otherwise, I did add Palm Beach Atlantic and Eastern Nazarene College.

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I don't see the ones in our neck of the woods listed. I have a long ways to go until my boys are even close to this point, and I don't know how to find the scores, but I'd love to see how Northwest Nazarene College, George Fox & Corban College stack up if someone has the time and inclination to add them on!

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My dd has been accepted to both George Fox and Northwest Nazarene, so looked up both.


George Fox:


CR: 490-610

M: 480-610

W: 480-590

ACT: 21-26



Northwest Nazarene:


CR: 460-610

M: 460-590

W: Not Reported

ACT: 19-26


I guess they would land in the middle to lower half from the list. My dd's scores are considerably higher, but she is considering them for other reasons as well.

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Added Patrick Henry, George Fox, Corban & Northwest Nazerene...


I'm not sure how many more times it will let me edit to add these to the first post. I'll keep doing it as long as it lets me, but afterward, people can just cut and paste the list into their own post at the end (adding new ones) and we'll have a more complete list there.


One more reminder to not totally number these as if they were ranked. Several could switch a spot or two pending which scores were more important to an individual - and it's not as if a 20 or 30 point difference in the SAT or point or two on the ACT make a radically different school. Then too, which department one is looking at easily affects "best" for an individual as well as "fit."

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  • 4 weeks later...

(Adding Pepperdine - it won't let me edit earlier posts any longer.)



Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26 - 31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

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(Adding Whitworth and Westmont)


Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

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Guest CindyMarsch

Creekland, my husband is a professor at GCC, where two of our children attend, and I know that though GCC is "selective," it is not always the highest-scoring students admitted. Sometimes they are trying to fill out particular attributes or majors or teams <g>, I think. I know thirdhand of a Christian high school that had a number of applicants to GCC and they were confused about why a couple of lower-achieving students were admitted while their top scholars were not.


Another consideration to keep in mind when looking at these kinds of statistics is that some schools, like Union University that my third is headed to in the fall and where my husband taught for eight years, see themselves as regional/local colleges or denominational colleges that want to be wide-open to applicants and then have lower retention rates. That might look bad in one sense, but the philosophy behind it is to give as many as possible a chance to prove themselves. My husband had one "at-risk" student at UU years ago and was pleased to see this young man really take advantage of his opportunity.

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Creekland, my husband is a professor at GCC, where two of our children attend, and I know that though GCC is "selective," it is not always the highest-scoring students admitted. Sometimes they are trying to fill out particular attributes or majors or teams <g>, I think. I know thirdhand of a Christian high school that had a number of applicants to GCC and they were confused about why a couple of lower-achieving students were admitted while their top scholars were not.


Another consideration to keep in mind when looking at these kinds of statistics is that some schools, like Union University that my third is headed to in the fall and where my husband taught for eight years, see themselves as regional/local colleges or denominational colleges that want to be wide-open to applicants and then have lower retention rates. That might look bad in one sense, but the philosophy behind it is to give as many as possible a chance to prove themselves. My husband had one "at-risk" student at UU years ago and was pleased to see this young man really take advantage of his opportunity.


Those are both good points to bring up and help explain the puzzling aspect of admissions to many. Secular schools fill their slots similarly. It can take much higher scores to make it into engineering than theater, but different talent to make it in that theatrical slot. (Ditto that with any two majors, of course.)


My main point in creating this list is for parents who are in the guidance counselor position (like us for instance) to have a quick reference to a number of Christian colleges and their general academic level. A year ago when my oldest was looking, I had to put in many hours to find even the names of those that might be appealing as I honestly could probably have only named 3 or 4 Christian colleges at that point. Once I had names and academic level, then we could proceed to find out more info about each school in particular and whether it warranted further looking into or not based on other factors. Having a list like this would have been so helpful for me - hence I created it (and keep adding to it as other names are brought to my attention) for others if they want to use it. It's just a starting point - not a "pick the top college" and go deal. Besides, many colleges near each other are essentially identical in academic level - I just can't put them side by side.


My son is going to Covenant next year. UU was his second choice, but they didn't have his major specifically (Community Development/Business with plans on becoming a microfinance manager overseas) and that ended up being our deciding point, esp after talking with a company he might work for. We love the philosophy and connections of that department and he feels a small school is a great fit for him. He loves the campus. Granted, those of us looking at Christian schools tend to believe that God is in control, but I am continually amazed at how easily he could have missed even finding Covenant as a potential option had I not put time into locating different schools. Most people around us don't even know it exists... A list like this is there if people want to use it as a starting point to find what may be their perfect fit.


My middle son is looking toward biomedical or chemical research, so is likely to have to go secular as I can't find Christian schools I like that do much in research.


My youngest will likely be back in the Christian college hunt - but we'll let him finish Algebra and 8th grade first! ;)

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Guest CindyMarsch

Creekland, I didn't mean to critique your list, just to provide some additional considerations for those who might feel intimidated by some numbers. My husband was once offered a job at Covenant that he would have, in other circumstances, taken immediately, so we like a lot about that school. Glenn is a molecular biophysicist and he would likely tell you that the UU chemistry department is tops, and probably that chemistry-area research there is good (though not usually biologically oriented, but with the new pharmacy major, perhaps), but somewhat better opportunities for science research are part of what brought us to Grove City. A consideration for your child is whether a particular Christian school can take federal research dollars (GCC does not). On the other hand, a big university will give an undergraduate almost no research experience at all, while a smaller school may well have wonderful opportunities.

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Creekland, I didn't mean to critique your list, just to provide some additional considerations for those who might feel intimidated by some numbers.


No problem there. I believe 100% in trying to provide the best advice we all collectively have for others that are out there. A year ago I was out there and rather clueless. I'm still learning a bit with various posts.


... somewhat better opportunities for science research are part of what brought us to Grove City.


Does Grove City have undergrad research? I was told they didn't. If they do, I'll add it back in as an option for middle son. We're in PA, so they wouldn't be a hard school to visit.


a big university will give an undergraduate almost no research experience at all, while a smaller school may well have wonderful opportunities.


This can be true, but my son isn't certain which area he wants to go into. Small schools we've encountered are specific with what they have as they don't have the resources to do more. Large U's often have graduate students doing most of the "fun" (meaningful) stuff and undergrads as cleaners or human lab rats. The University of Rochester (his current #1 choice) seems superb on letting undergrads actually get involved with real aspects of research, and they have many different areas to get involved with. It's going to be difficult for any school to match what they have, but he and I continue to look for other options in case we can't afford U of R or in case he doesn't get in (while his stats should be there to be competitive, it's certainly not guaranteed).


We're hopeful that our [personal] economy can pick up this year [his junior year] so he can take cc courses in Microbio as well as Advanced Chem and Bio in order to get a better feel for what he likes. That might open opportunities to a smaller school that researches in that area. I'm hoping it will solidify something!

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Guest CindyMarsch

Does Grove City have undergrad research? I was told they didn't. If they do, I'll add it back in as an option for middle son. We're in PA, so they wouldn't be a hard school to visit.


Yes, my husband Glenn has been very pleased with the work of some of his students. Those who can stay over the summer (they have to find local housing) can earn good money with a college grant, and there's a yearly competition for an award for the best student researcher. His own field of research now is in connection with Vanderbilt University's toxicology department in the medical school, doing spectroscopy and so forth (the physics end of biology). I can't tell you for sure what the other opportunities are, and as I said, UU has a better chemistry program (accredited, e.g.), but when you're ready you could contact Glenn (gamarsch@gcc.edu) and ask some questions. :-) The main handicap at GCC is that they do not take federal dollars, so an NIH grant would not be possible, e.g.

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Does Grove City have undergrad research? I was told they didn't. If they do, I'll add it back in as an option for middle son. We're in PA, so they wouldn't be a hard school to visit.


Yes, my husband Glenn has been very pleased with the work of some of his students. Those who can stay over the summer (they have to find local housing) can earn good money with a college grant, and there's a yearly competition for an award for the best student researcher. His own field of research now is in connection with Vanderbilt University's toxicology department in the medical school, doing spectroscopy and so forth (the physics end of biology). I can't tell you for sure what the other opportunities are, and as I said, UU has a better chemistry program (accredited, e.g.), but when you're ready you could contact Glenn (gamarsch@gcc.edu) and ask some questions. :-) The main handicap at GCC is that they do not take federal dollars, so an NIH grant would not be possible, e.g.


Thanks for the info! I need to see which direction my middle son leans toward after he's had Advance Chem, Advanced Bio and Microbio. We might visit GCC next spring on our way to/from U of R. Vanderbilt is also on our list (I think - he's keeping the list). Since we're right of center, we're looking for a politically conservative or neutral college or U with decent undergrad research opportunities and merit aid (+ probably need based aid). It's amazing how many we eliminate due to the first two considerations. There are several colleges out there that aren't politically neutral and several where undergrads just don't get to do the research.

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Guest CindyMarsch

Vanderbilt is certainly a good school, and they have a strong Reformed University Fellowship--campus ministries can make a real difference!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Vanderbilt is certainly a good school, and they have a strong Reformed University Fellowship--campus ministries can make a real difference!


We're not reformed, but I'm sure there are other similar groups there too. ;) Vanderbilt is in our top list of schools to check out.

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  • 2 months later...

Added St. Olaf as per request. I hadn't realized they were Christian.


Note: Anyone can add a Protestant Christian school - just look up the stats and see where they belong. One has to use judgment as some can swap places. In the same idea, realize that schools quite near each other are likely to be similar in incoming freshmen academic ability.


Note 2: This only rates the schools by current incoming student SAT/ACT stats, not by any sort of level of Christian teaching. Some are more conservative and some more liberal, some more religious in general and others not. This is just a list to get started with for those of us who weren't familiar with many Christian schools.


Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

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Eternity Bible College is located in Simi Valley, CA on the campus of Cornerstone Community Church. Both were founded by Francis Chan. Their mission is to train evangelical Christians for lifelong ministry, either in the pulpit or in lay ministry. They operate a campus in Portland, OR and they offer distance ed.


EBC launched in 2004. They are working toward accreditation through ABHE.


It runs on a model very different from typical colleges. They are committed to keeping the degree affordable -- tuition is $100 per unit. They have one major -- Biblical Studies. Students get their general ed units at other schools and apply them to their major at EBC. There is no on-campus housing, but the school will help match up students who are seeking roommates.


I looked at their application for admission, and there is no mention of test scores. They are slightly more strict with homeschoolers than some schools, but it sounds like they've seen a wide range of competency from students who homeschooled.


Two of my former pastors are professors there, and I know several of the students. As a rule, they're good, solid kids.


This school is obviously not for most students. It has a narrow mission and focus. But for some students, it might be just the ticket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Edited to add University of Evansville in southern Indiana, Mercer University in Macon, GA, and Waynesburg in PA.


Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

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Guest airjacobs

This is a great list! I already figured out what do they really mean. Lately its really annoying me but I can still manage them.

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  • 4 months later...

Adding Gardner-Webb



Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

Gardner-Webb (CR 440/560, 420/550, WR NA, ACT 18-23)

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Adding Belmont University:





Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Belmont University (CR 530/640, M 520/630, WR NA, ACT 23-29)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

Gardner-Webb (CR 440/560, 420/550, WR NA, ACT 18-23)

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  • 2 years later...

Adding Colorado Christian University & Asbury College





Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Belmont University (CR 530/640, M 520/630, WR NA, ACT 23-29)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

Gardner-Webb (CR 440/560, 420/550, WR NA, ACT 18-23)

Colorado Christian University (CR 470/610 M 490/600 WR 470/580)

Asbury College (CR 510/630 M470/600)

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Since this list is in a (sort of) descending order of stats, I'm moving Asbury and Colorado to respective places. ;) I find it easier to look for schools "in range" when they are in order that way.


Thanks for adding them!



Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Belmont University (CR 530/640, M 520/630, WR NA, ACT 23-29)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Asbury College (CR 510/630 M470/600)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Colorado Christian University (CR 470/610 M 490/600 WR 470/580)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

Gardner-Webb (CR 440/560, 420/550, WR NA, ACT 18-23)

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Feel free to add them. Look up their stats on collegeboard.com and put them in their respective places (as close as you can determine it - some could shift a spot or two).


Since the OP was in 2010, some stats may have changed a little bit too. Anyone can update those schools they are familiar with. Just cut and paste the list rather than quoting the post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding Samford University.


Wheaton (CR 600/710, M 600/700, WR 590/700, ACT 27-31)

St. Olaf College (CR 590/710, M 590/690, WR N/A, ACT 26-31)

Patrick Henry College (CR 620/730, M 550/650, WR 590/700, ACT 26-31)

Grove City (CR 560/690, M 570/680, NA, ACT 25-30)

Pepperdine (CR 560/660, M 560/680, WR 560/660, ACT 24-30)

Calvin (CR 520/670, M 550/660, NA, ACT 23-29)

Hope (CR 520/660, M 540/670, NA, ACT 23-29)

Covenant (CR 540/660, M 510/620, WR 520/660, ACT 22-28)

Westmont College (CR 520/650, M 530/650, WR 530/650, ACT 23-29)

Cedarville (CR 530/650, M 530/640, WR 520/630, ACT 23-29)

Gordon College (CR 520/650, M 500/640, WR 560/640, ACT 24-28)

Whitworth University (CR 540/650, M 540/630, WR 530/630, ACT 24-29)

Baylor University (CR 530/640, M 550/650, WR 510/620, ACT 23-29)

Bryan College (CR 530/650, M 520/640, WR 530/640, ACT 21 - 27)

Houghton College (CR 520/650, M 510/620, WR 500/640, ACT 23-29)

Le Tourneau University (CR 520/650, M 540/650, WR 490/620, ACT 22-29)

Union U (CR 510/650, M 510/640, NA, ACT 21-29)

Taylor University (CR 500/650, M 510/640, WR 490/620, ACT 24-31)

Mercer University ( CR 540/630, M 550/640, WR 510/620, ACT 24-31)

Belmont University (CR 530/640, M 520/630, WR NA, ACT 23-29)

Samford University (CR 510/630, M 530/640, NA, ACT 23-29)

Messiah (CR 510/620, M 510/640, WR 510/620, ACT 23-28)

University of Evansville (CR 510/610, M 510/630, WR 490/600, ACT 22-28)

Harding University (CR 490/630, M 490/640, WR N/A ACT 21 - 28)

Eastern Mennonite University (CR N/A, M 470/620, WR 470/620 ACT 22 - 28)

Asbury College (CR 510/630 M470/600)

Biola University (CR 500/620, M 490/620, WR 500/610, ACT 21 - 26)

Corban College (CR 500/630, M 490/610, WR 470/590, ACT 20 - 26)

George Fox (CR 490/610, M 480/610, WR 480/590, ACT 21 - 26)

Lipscomb University (CR 490/600, M 490/610, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Indiana Wesleyan University (CR 480/600, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Azusa Pacific University (CR 490/590, M 480/600, WR N/A, ACT 21-27)

Lee University (CR 480/610, M 460/600, WR N/A, ACT 20-27)

Colorado Christian University (CR 470/610 M 490/600 WR 470/580)

Wisconsin Lutheran College (CR N/A, M N/A, WR N/A ACT 21 - 26)

Northwest Nazarene College (CR 460/610, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 26)

Belhaven University (CR 490/610, M 460/570, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 24)

Trinity International University (CR 450/610, M 440/600, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Eastern University (CR 480/600, M 480/590, WR 480/590, ACT 19-23)

Malone (CR 470/590, M 460/590, WR N/A, ACT 19-26)

Geneva College (CR 470/580, M 470/600, WR N/A, ACT 19 - 25)

Palm Beach Atlantic U (CR 470/580, M 450/550, WR 450/570, ACT 20 - 26)

Anderson University (CR 460/570, M 460/580, WR N/A, ACT 20-25)

Georgetown College (CR 430/570, M 480/560, WR N/A, ACT 21-26)

Eastern Nazarene College (CR 440/560, M 420/570, WR 430/570, ACT 20 - 27)

Waynesburg University ( CR 450/540, M 450/560, WR na, ACT na)

Liberty (CR 430/570, M 430/550, WR NA, ACT 18-24)

Gardner-Webb (CR 440/560, 420/550, WR NA, ACT 18-23)

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