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Suggestions needed--a thank you gift for dd11


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My 11yo has been so helpful lately. She has taking care of us all while I can't. She has been trying to anticipate what needs to be done and doing it unprompted. I have been in bed for over 2 days due to a bad back and she has taken very good care of me while I have been down. She keeps my glass of water filled, brings me ice packs and meds, and offers to do anything I want her to do. She cleaned house for me yesterday and has been watching her little sister too. She has even been getting up in the middle of the night to see if I need anything.


When I get well I want to do something special for her. I already gave her a small thank you gift (a Build-a-Bear) that I had stashed in my closet. We already had a special day planned together next week, so I can't use that outing for this.


I really want something to tell her how much I see she that has grown up this year. How she has started to try to prioritize other people's feelings. And doing things unprompted.


Any suggestions?

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Is there something special that she's been wanting to do? For example, my dd10 is 'dying' to get her ears pierced...so that was the first thing that came to my mind...allowing her to do something like that. Something that might be a little more grown up than she usually has been allowed to do.


What a lucky mom you are to have such a sweet daughter!

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Jewelry? Maybe begin a charm bracelet.


That's what I was thinking too. Maybe a locket?


Also, write her a letter telling her all of this, seal it up, put it away. Continue to write these at different times as you feel moved. When she goes off to college, or moves out, or moves on to the next phase of her life, give her the letters. :001_smile:

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Is there something in particular she likes? Like cute stationary, a book series, or to redecorate her room?


Or maybe just saying it to her is enough? Because it looks like you already have some good stuff planned for her, and her actions seem to reflect her appreciation towards the love and care you have given her in the past.


Either way, she is sure a sweet and unselfish girl! You are so blessed!

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That's what I was thinking too. Maybe a locket?


Also, write her a letter telling her all of this, seal it up, put it away. Continue to write these at different times as you feel moved. When she goes off to college, or moves out, or moves on to the next phase of her life, give her the letters. :001_smile:



Spinning off of Stacia's suggestion, here's something I've done with my dd11 since she was 5 or so: She and I keep a journal in which we write notes back and forth to each other. She can use the journal to ask me questions she may not want to ask out loud (lots of those at this age!), vent, just say hello, anything she wants. I stay positive in it, answer her questions, praise her, tell I love her, give her advice, write encouraging quotes or scripture, thank her for jobs well done, etc. Since we've been doing it for so long, we have filled a few journals, and she loves to go back and read them. She "wrote" her first entries before she could write, so they're just scribbles, but she told me what she meant to say and I translated them so we could go back to them. :) It's a fun way to see the improvement in writing skills, too!


Anyway, your thank you to your dd for her TLC could be your first entry in this journal, and you may start a very beloved tradition.


Your daughter sounds wonderful - you're blessed!



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Sometimes the best thank you gifts are as simple as recognition and just that genuine, heartfelt hug and vocal appreciation. Sounds like you have a very sweet, caring child on your hands :) I have one, too, and he always pulls through when I need him to - oftentimes before I even ask. I get monthly migraines that incapacitate me 3-4 days each month and he sends the preschooler to my parents and will stay home with me to help - rub my feet, ice packs, fill water glass, hold my hair back when I get sick. And he does this in between doing his schoolwork, on his own, and maintaining the daily chores around the house. I'm a single parent, and he's my rock.


I try to gift him token things that I know he likes or has wanted, but honestly - I can see in his eyes that his favorite thank you of all is when I look him in the eyes (often with tears in my own) and just thank him from the bottom of my heart. He feels good knowing I recognize his efforts, but most of all feels good seeing how helpful he is to keeping our home and family stable .. knowing I find him dependable and necessary for our family. We usually follow with a mushy snuggle on the couch, watching a movie or reading a book.


When he asks for more privileges, I try to show my appreciation for him by sincerely considering them and saying yes as appropriate to the maturity level he shows in caring for our family (as opposed to setting an arbitrary age when x would be okay). He acts the part, he gets treated the part. That's probably the best gift I give him.


I hope your back feels better.

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