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The quentessential thread killer...

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Cornerstone, I truly think it's the new board format . . . I don't read nearly as many posts now as I used to on the old board, and post even less.


I think your story was very cute!


Even if people don't respond to my posts, I'm generally happy just to have a forum!



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I think, like others have said, it is the new format. I pop in every now and then during the day, and often feel like I have missed some great discussions because the first page changes so quickly. FWIW - I really thought your idea is a very good one, and I am sure my kiddos will be very happy to try it!! :thumbup: I, on the other hand, am only eating my Reese's bunnies this year. YUM!!

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At least you had some responses. I posted a curriculum question a few days ago. I bumped it when it got to page 4, to give it another chance. No one replied at all. I agree that it is very hard to stay on top of posts the way this board is set up. How were the old boards different?

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On the old board, you could scroll down reading topics and everyone's reply line. You could then choose to click on a reply to read further. It was so much easier to see, rather then having to click on every topic in order to read the replies. That said, I do like this format, because disagreements seem to be more private and not a huge board issue.

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One of the nice things about this format is that even when people don't respond to your thread, you can see how many have read/opened it.


For instance here.

I thought it would be interesting to hear what others think. As of now no one has responded, but 43 people have read it or at least opened the link. Who knows why?

But I find that more gratifying than on the old board where you had no idea how many people (if anyone) even bothered to notice your post.

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At least you had some responses. I posted a curriculum question a few days ago. I bumped it when it got to page 4, to give it another chance. No one replied at all. I agree that it is very hard to stay on top of posts the way this board is set up. How were the old boards different?


Can you send a link to the post?

Sometimes the people who are online at the time truly don't have an answer, and then the question rolls on down to a lower page. Sometimes it all depends on the day of the week or the time of day.

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Here's the link - the only responses are my bump and someone saying she had no idea. LOL




Maybe you should repost and mention timeline figures. I had to google to find out exactly what you were talking about. At first I thought you might have meant Christine Miller's book list.


You should get more of a response if you ask about time line figures that people have used - (I haven't used any yet - so I can't respond - but I would be interested in the responses to such a thread)

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