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Finished 100 EZ lessons with 4 year old.. now what do we do?


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We just finished yesterday! She is 4 years old and we plan to "offically" start homeschooling for Kindergarten. What should I do until then? She is now use to having 1 on 1 time with me for the reading lesson, what should we do in place of that? Get a bunch of books from the library and read together? Should I start something like handwriting? Is there another good reading book that I should do? Should we just take it easy until we start Kindergarten? Any suggestions would be great!

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We just finished yesterday! She is 4 years old and we plan to "offically" start homeschooling for Kindergarten. What should I do until then? She is now use to having 1 on 1 time with me for the reading lesson, what should we do in place of that? Get a bunch of books from the library and read together? Should I start something like handwriting? Is there another good reading book that I should do? Should we just take it easy until we start Kindergarten? Any suggestions would be great!


I haven't found anything yet that I can really recommend except maybe Explode the Code. I would not take it easy though. I did this with my first and had to back track a lot when we started K. It was very disappointing but it's really a matter of use it or lose it at that age. I have liked 100EZL but would agree that it needs to be followed up with a more thorough phonics program.

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Webster's Speller from the whiteboard!


A short explanation below in my signature, here are a few good threads. I did it with my daughter in K, it's great. The syllables start easy and make it so they can learn to read words divided into those syllables. By the end of K, my daughter could sound out anything, even 3 and 4 syllable words. There was a few months where she had to have words divided into syllables for her, but after a while she learned to do it on her own.






Also, I have a fun game that you can play with her to help cement what she's learned:



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It's nice and slow.


And read to her classics so she is getting the language in her head and easy readers from your library for her to read.


If her eye hand coordination is way up there, you may take a look at Cursive First. It uses phonograms used in All About Spelling. But I wouldn't push the writing, only if she thinks it's cool and fun.


~christine in al

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I would not take it easy though. I did this with my first and had to back track a lot when we started K.


:iagree:We took just one month off between Pre-K and K, and it took a couple of months for dd to get back to where she was with both handwriting and math.


Five in a Row is great for this age. I also use it for vocab and copywork. It is a very gentle program that incorporates five different subjects. So if we don't make to science, for example, I have at least done some science with Five in a Row.



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Why not do something fun, like FIAR? Just run your fingers along the words while you read the books, so that she is continually exposed to them, point out which words she could read, and other than that, have a lot of fun. I did FIAR some after my daughter finished a year of phonics, and wanted to spend some time letting her enjoy good books and we made wonderful use of the homeschoolshare website for things to do with each book.

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