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How many extra activites for Kinder?

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We do swimming lessons in the summer; I've done a morning women's Bible study in the past (off right now) where there were a significant number of homeschooled children in childcare; right now, we are activity-free, and school has been going SO much better than it ever did even with just one regular activity in place. We do a lot of "field trips" on our own, but nothing with an organized group. I figure there will be plenty of years for organized groups when the girls get older.

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We are pretty much activity-free too. Dd6 is in children's choir at church, and they practice and perform on Sunday evenings. Once a month we go to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers--you can go until your youngest child goes into 1st grade). They have childcare for the kids while the moms have their meeting. That's about it right now. They took swimming lessons at the Y last summer. I would have liked to continue that this fall/winter, but we don't have the money for it.


We were in a homeschool co-op for a couple of years, but I got worn out. Plus we don't have money for it now.

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I will have more than just a kindergartener, but we are cutting back a bit on activities next year. We'll be dropping our co-op and a club that we do. We'll keep our sports b/c that's important to us and I can count it as P.E. We swim three times a week during the day and the rest of our activities are evening and/or spread throughout the seasons (soccer, basketball, chorus).


The swimming was an experiment this month but it's gone well. We swim at what would be our normal break time right before lunch. I have little trouble getting them out of the pool b/c they're hungry, LOL. On the days that we swim I'm also less drowsy in the afternoon and the girls are ready to get back to work after burning their energy.

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We will officially begin hsing next year and I wanted your opinions as to how many activites you let you your kinder paricipate in? I am thinking one at that age is plenty. (I am not talking about playgroup, bu things like ballet). If you did only one which would you recommend?


My Kindergartener takes martial arts 1x a week, and is in AWANA club at church.


My First Grader takes both of those activities and is in piano lessons 1x a week.


Her piano class is directly before martial arts and in the same building, which helps. It also helps that all of these are short time commitments (.5 to 1.5 hours each) that only meet 1x a week; we couldn't commit to something with significantly more practice or drive time right now.

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With 4 kids in our family, nobody does more than 1 activity at a time, and even then, I try to stagger them. Nearly everything is 30-40 minutes from home and I don't want to spend *every day driving around.


That's in addition to our homeschool group that meets for a full day once a week.


My girls have enjoyed dance and gymnastics. They did not like cheering for the wrestling team (which is good, since I didn't like sitting through wrestling matches!)

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my 4 yo does art class once a week, ballet 1x a week and gymnastics once a week. We will likely drop gymnastics soon as he doesn't enjoy doing TOO many things. But he just reminded me that he wants to resume swimming lessons, so we'll see....


my 7 yo does basketball 2x a week, gymnastics 1x, art class 1x, soccer 2x, anda science class at the local marine center every other week. We recently dropped martial arts (which was 3x a week) as it was killing me, but he'd be happy to do many, many more activities. He's exhausting. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't think there is a set number of activities that is "right" for an age, rather it depends on each family situation and especially on the child.


My 4 year old has dance class and soccer once a week. If I can find the money for it she'll be taking violin lessons once a week soon.


This summer she'll have soccer once a week, (hopefully) violin lessons once a week, a week of 1/2 day nature camp, a week of 1/2 day soccer camp, and a week of full day camp.


Next fall she'll have soccer twice a week (indoor and outdoor), violin, and dance class.


Plus the library at least once a week. We like to be on the go! Of course, since it's just her and I it's alot easier to go than it is for a mother with more children.

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Thanks everyone for your responses. My soon to be Kinder is a girl and I was thinking about gymnastics for her if I can find a hs class. I have two younger kids as well and I don't want to make them attend a bunch of things. We will already have ladies bible class once a week and a playgroup twice a month, so I don't want to pile on too much.

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