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Anyone eat Activia or DanActive??

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Yeah, I don't get it. Unless maybe they claimed benefits beyond what is really possible I don't see why a lawsuit is necessary! Sheesh, kudos for any of these companies for trying to make their products better and give this country some healthier choices! Argh.


(I don't, btw, buy yogurts based on anything added but rather on what's NOT added--like high fructose corn syrup and too much sugar! LOL)

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I ate Activia for a couple of days when I was having stomach issues while taking antibiotics last spring, and I had THE WORST STOMACH CRAMPS OF MY LIFE. I immediately stopped. I don't keep receipts :glare:


Honestly, I haven't read through this lawsuit site, but I wonder if the claimants are stating that a false claim was made when Dannon guaranteed that ones regularity would return within a specific number of days, which was their promise, wasn't it? Remember their tagline? "Take the Activia Challenge!" (I remember this because of the disgusting but hilarious SNL parody skit of Jamie Lee Curtis as the Activia spokesperson...not for the squeamish or easily offended)

Edited by BikeBookBread
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I'm guessing it breaks down to their claim that their particular cultures were beneficial with the implication that standard acidophilus isn't (untrue), and the increasing likelihood that their culture actually upsets many people's digestive systems where acidophilus etc. don't. (For which I have heard many anecdotes). In other words, one corporate-funded study touted in an ad campaign does not good science make!

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What's the issue though? Who was harmed? False advertising of what? Everybody knows yogurt IS good for your digestive system. How is that false advertising? That website is more vague than it is informative. :001_huh:


Activia is no better for the digestive system than any other yoghurt, but they were charging a premium for their 'special' product. IIRC.



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I took their challenge...and got my money back because like another poster above my stomach issues got worse not better. Switched to another yogurt and my stomach issues cleared up without the cramps.


Don't feel bad if you didn't keep your receipts....honestly, class actions very rarely get you any cash back. After they pay the attorneys and the court costs, the defendants get pennies on their dollars if even that. This lawsuits are more about making changes in products and claims than they are about compensating those that fell for the false advertising. Obviously if you have the receipts, might as well submit, because even pennies is better than nothing of course.

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Am I the only one who finds this lawsuit silly? People are all different and respond differently to substances. If I have a reaction or a nonreaction to a certain product, my first thought is not to begin a class action suit even if the product makes a claim that didn't hold true for me. Isn't that the point of the money-back guarantee...acknowledgment that it may not work for everyone and if it doesn't you haven't lost anything? I could see holding their feet to the fire on getting the money back, but a class action suit seems extreme, especially given that many people have upheld their claims and the claims are not extreme-ish in nature (ie curing cancer).

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  • 5 months later...
What's the issue though? Who was harmed? False advertising of what? Everybody knows yogurt IS good for your digestive system. How is that false advertising? That website is more vague than it is informative. :001_huh:


I've heard that Activia made a lot of people sick.

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