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I LOVE CoinStar!!!!

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So, my MIL brings me a HUGE bag of change and says "Here, do you want this?" I just collect it and collect it and have no use for it." Trying to act nonchalant, I GRAB the bag and run, trying to hide it before she changes her mind :D This morning (first chance I got!) I took it to the nearest coin star machine and I now have a $95 certificate for AMAZON!!!!!!!! Wooo Hooo!!!!! A Homeschool Mom, $100 for Amazon....Life is Good!!!:party:

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That is way cool! So you can choose a gift card instead of cash when you use Coin Star, eh? I didn't know that!


We take our change to Commerce Bank because they have that great counting machine and they don't take a processing fee.


It's all good! :auto:

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:thumbup: I love this too! I know it is a little silly, but I get so excited when I take all my spare change down to the coinstar machine and then leave with my little Amazon certificate... I feel like it is a present, even though it is just my change. :lol:

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would sit around the kitchen table and count and put the money in wrappers. We then got to decide what we wanted to spend it on. Great family time!



We do this! I'm always surprised at how much there is! We use it for our family vacation in January.


Have fun with your Amazon gift certificate!!!

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would sit around the kitchen table and count and put the money in wrappers. We then got to decide what we wanted to spend it on. Great family time!



Yes, we used to roll change and so did my dh when he was young. I resent paying the COinstar machine whatever they charge to do it for me! Do they still charge you that fee if you take the gift card? Do all Coinstars even offer gift cards?


What really burns me is all the places (like the grocery store) that absolutely WILL NOT accept rolled coins and will point you to the CS machine. I had no other money than rolled change one night, and they refused me. I was pregnant and emotional. It was the night before a predicted bout of freezing rain and "wintry mix." I desperately needed bread and milk...but they couldn't take $5 worth of rolled quarters. They snottily informed me taht some people put other objects in the rolls. So I politely offered to open the rolls and count my quarters out to her! It was the principle of the matter, kwim???

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Yes, we used to roll change and so did my dh when he was young. I resent paying the COinstar machine whatever they charge to do it for me! Do they still charge you that fee if you take the gift card? Do all Coinstars even offer gift cards?




I know this wouldn't have helped you the other night, but if you have a Commerce Bank nearby you can use their coin machine free of charge. They'll even give your kids lollipops, crayons, and coloring books just for stopping in. It's very cool and kid friendly because they have an enormous machine, you pour in your coins, and listen to it doing the whole jingle jangle thing. You can make a game of it, estimating how much you think your coins will add up to. Finally, if you guessed within I think a dollar of the total, you get an extra $2. Fun, fun, fun!

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I don't know if they all offer gift certificates, but I do know that that do not take 7% off if you get a gift certificate (or so it says, I did NOT count all those coins before I dumped them!).


They offer gift cards to Amazon :D, itunes, Eddie Bauer, Starbucks, Borders, Old Navy, and several other places.


http://locator.coinstar.com/ Here's a link to finding a coinstar near you.


Now, I'm off to Amazon, to see what books I can NOT live without!!!!!!

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