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What's a good "snack" to take to a game night?

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Thanks for the suggestions. I have a good recipe for a cheese ball. I think I'll do something healthy to drink, I hate all the "sugary" drinks that show up. We have one couple, I love them dearly but they always bring Sunny Delight to Bible study for the kids. That stuff is :tongue_smilie:



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I usually go with one of the following:


cheese, fruit, pretzels


guacamole, pico de gallo, chips


pita bread triangles, hummus, this olive/tomato/onion salad/relish thing I make


eta: I always bring orange juice when I have to bring a kid snack and drink. Oh my gosh, my kids never have sugary drinks (well, with the exception of the very occasional yoo-hoo). I hate when they're put in situations with tons of other kids and are sugared up. Yikes.

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Yeah, we try and make our kids think that guacamole isn't any good, but for some reason they just don't believe us. :D





LOL! We do the same thing! Darn smart kids!!


For the snack, I'd take chips, salsa and sour cream (and guacamole if you have any to spare!). I bet it'd be gone VERY fast!!!

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1 13-oz. box Golden Grahams cereal

2 cups unsalted peanuts

2 cups large, broken pecan pieces

24 oz. white almond bark


Combine cereal, peanuts, and pecan pieces in a VERY large bowl. Melt almond bark according to package directions and pour over cereal/nut mixture. Mix thoroughly and spread onto two, wax-paper lined, rimmed cookie sheets. Let cool and break into pieces. Store in a covered tin.


OR a variation


Substitute 2 cups of salted cashews for the unsalted peanuts, and substitute 12 oz. of white chocolate for half of the white almond bark (thus, 12 oz. white chocolate, 12 oz. white almond bark

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